Completed a Year of Doing Good Deeds


I’ve made it! A whole Year of Doing Good Deeds!

On 16th April 2013 I began reading A Year Of Doing Good by Judith O’Reilly, from the very first few pages I decided to see if I too, could do at least one Good Deed a day. A year sounded an awfully  long time, and I was half way through the 2013 A to Z Challenge, so I kept quiet and challenged myself to make it to the end of April. I would then assess how I had done and how hard it might be to carry on. I made it to the end of the month and decided to write posts about my deeds, that way I was a little more committed to following through with the challenge. Weekends were slow for blog views, so I decided to post a weekly round-up on a Sunday. I was amazed that within a couple of weeks I had people following my deeds and also being inspired to do their own challenge. I’ve made a great friend in Harula at Words that serve, she lives way up in Scotland, but each week we look forward to reading each others posts and we’ve built up a great supportive relationship.



Let me ask you a question or two;

What are you doing with your time here on earth?

Why are you here?

Recently I’ve read Saving our Pennys Roy Dimond and Jeff Leitch. There’s a little scene in the book during a lesson that I’d like you to think about. You could be lucky enough to have 36500 days of life if you live to be 100. So how many of those have you lived so far? And what have you done with the days that you have has so far that have made you proud? If, like me, you had a little shock as to the number of days that have already gone by, then I urge you to think about what you’ll do with the days that you have left (An unknown number for most of us, I assume) Use your days, be sincere, be genuine, take nothing for granted, treat others well, treat yourself well, BE GREAT.

I couldn’t agree more with the following lines;

Slow down, make choices, have a purpose in life.

Ask not “What are you going to do for me?” But “What can I do for you?” It’s much more rewarding to ask the second question.

It took me 322 days of this 365 day journey to find out why I was doing this. The answer came in Roy and Jeff’s book.


Judith O’Reilly said of her own experiment to do a “Year of Good Deeds”, that it didn’t work. BUT IT DID! It inspired me and others like me, and every single deed she did had a ripple effect in the universe, caring is all it takes, caring and deciding to make a difference.

So what did I achieve in my year?

This year I have reached out and touched so many lives, I have read and reviewed books, promoted authors and writers, provided guest interviews. I’ve picked up litter, baked cakes, sent letters, given flowers. I’ve donated books and clothes to charity and I have given my money to many good causes. I’ve made visits and helped people, I’ve made time for others, I’ve invited people into my home and I’ve provided food, peace and a listening ear.

So what will I do now?

Well……. I’m going to keep on doing it all! And I’ll continue to record my Good deeds because for every person I reach out to, I make a connection and cause a ripple effect.

I need to write down my deeds to keep me going, I am not a saint I am still a child of the Universe and I make mistakes, I stumble and fall, I have my days when I need to off load, I find myself moaning, but if I have learnt to be aware of the words that come out of my mouth, and if I am reminded by my cause, then I can choose to change and keep making a difference. I will be on that rollercoaster of life because I interact with society, I have a family and a job, and I, inevitably, will succumb to the speeding ride of life. But I know where the brake is and I know I can choose to pull that brake and step off the ride, slow down and live in the moment. I have the potential to keep making a difference.

Good deeds

Will I have your support for the rest of my journey? Have you been inspired by this post or by any of my weekly posts during my challenge? Do you think I should carry on? Do you think I’m making a difference to the world?


Good Deeds Week April 13th – 19th my 52nd week.

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong, I’m now entering my 52nd week. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

April 13th – Still going strong promoting #OperationMallory to help a fellow author out who has Cancer, see my post and PLEASE share as much as you can, or even better, buy his books.

Posted reviews for Johnny Nothing by Ian Probert, my review will appear on the blog in a few weeks time a long with an author interview for you.

April 14th – Picked up lots of litter on my way to the post box. Am talking to author June Kearns about reading and reviewing a couple of books for her. Finished reading and wrote a review for Personal Alchemy: The Missing Ingredient For Law Of Attraction Success by Michelle Martin Dobbins.

April 15th – Had a wonderful delivery of 4 books in the post today, it felt like Christmas! So what will I be reading and reviewing for you? Tall, Dark and Kilted and Boot Camp Bride by Lizzie Lamb. The 20’s Girl and An Englishwoman’s Guide To The Cowboy by June Kearns.

Just hand delivered a birthday card and present and on my way back picked up litter.

April 16th – I woke up this morning and realised that I’VE DONE IT, I’ve completed a Year of Good Deeds! Blow up the balloons, pop the Champagne, how great is that? I am writing a big post to release on Sunday all about my year.

Helped out fellow author Sean Flynn with a bit of advice after he’d had a 1* abrasive review. Suggested he didn’t dive in with a rebellious reply, reminding him that he’d never win the argument, and just to let it go no matter how annoying. You’re never going to write a book that everyone will enjoy. He’d had plenty of good reviews, so I told him to hold his head up and move onwards and upwards.

Agreed to read and review two more books; Secrets of the Unaltered by Leti Del Mar , this is the second book in the series, I’d previously read and reviewed her first one, so I’m looking forward to this book. Also Irish Inheritance by Paula Martin. I love a book which has Irish mysteries in it, I’m sure there’s a bit of Irish blood flowing through my veins, although I’m hard pushed to find it on the family tree at the moment.

April 17th – Book review requests coming along like buses at the moment, all or nothing! I’m going to be reading and reviewing the first book in The Georgie Connelly series, Business as Usual by E.L Lindley, I’m super excited about this after featuring them under letter G of my tour. I’ve read some other books by this author and thoroughly enjoyed them all. I’m also equally excited to be getting my hands on the very latest book by Terry Tyler called Kings and Queens. (Due out very shortly)

Invited friends to join us at the park for some cricket. Looks like I’ll be getting my hands on some more books by author Cynthia Harrison too. It’s all happening!

April 18th – Hubby’s birthday today, so we are entertaining the in-laws with high tea (written especially to make certain readers salivate) Have finished reading Tall, Dark and Kilted and Boot Camp Bride by Lizzie Lamb and written my review. Went to the local market and bough some delicious homemade cakes for later.

April 19th – Kids sporting events clashing meant I was on cricket practise duty. Alternatively froze and boiled as the sun played cat and mouse with the clouds. Picked up litter. Got home to find some more books have been delivered for review. Today I’ve got The Hollow Heart and A Change of Heart both by Adrienne Vaughan.

Don’t forget to come and read my celebration post too.

Thanks to everyone who has followed and supported me during my year long challenge.

Good Deeds Week April 6th – 12th

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong, I’m now entering my final two weeks. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

April 6th – Began my day with a re-cap of the A to Z tour so far, it’s good to try and keep the momentum going for up coming authors and I’ve sent out e-mails to all those who have a post next week to ask them to get all their faithful followers to help us share the posts. I’ve really enjoyed going to the sites of bloggers that I added to my posts who were also on the tour, people I wouldn’t usually meet on my day to day blog.

Have begun reading a modern classic Alone in Berlin by Hans Fallada, it’s set during the war and so far it’s about the people, individuals caught in the umbrella of Germany and how some of them wish to remain individuals who work and think for themselves.

Found out some information for my brother-in-law to help him with some farming forms that he must fill in and passed on the info.

April 7th – It’s the school Easter holidays so I need to find a different Good Deed to my normal Monday morning volunteering. Was able to pick up a large bag of potatoes from the farm when I went to pick up some work for tomorrow, have just delivered them to my friend’s house for her.

April 8th – The sun is shining, I’ve been out to mow the lawn for the first time this year, mowed the piece I share with my neighbour, swept up behind me and picked up some litter that was blowing around. Good Deeds received, whilst I went out to work this morning my lovely children cleaned my house and put the washing out to dry, such a great thing to come home to.

Spent the evening visiting loads of bloggers taking part in the A to Z challenge in what felt like a blogathon of it’s own.

April 9th – Still busy visiting other bloggers on the A to Z Challenge. Had time to pick up some litter which had blown my way when I went out to my car.

April 10th – A lovely day and we headed for the park for some cricket practise, whilst there we found a good condition cricket ball whilst hunting through the undergrowth for our own ball, we picked up a base cone left by others and put it to good use, and we picked up some litter and popped it in the bin to leave the park looking lovely for other users.

April 11th – Agreed to read and review Johnny Nothing by Ian Probert, look out for it’s review on my blog in the back end of May. Still working my way around the A to Z tour, there are so many people blogging about so many different things, amazing!

April 12th – Went to work this morning on a non work day, to catch up on lots of filing. I’ve been itching to give the place a good clean (we work in an old Granary, think barn with dirt and dust and untidy farmers!) So I attacked the place with duster and brush creating clouds of dust (cough, cough) and I filled the rubbish bins, I live far enough away that I can’t hear them shouting about my housework, but I left the bins incase they need to retrieve anything. I’ll empty them next week!

Have been talking to author Lizzie Lamb (Letter B for Boot Camp Bride on the A to Z Tour) about reading and reviewing some of her work and perhaps being a guest on her blog after the A to Z tour has finished.

One last SUPER DOOPER deed today, I’ve just posted about Operation Mallory, a group of very kind people have been working behind the scenes to re-launch books my author Stephen C Spencer who has cancer. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE go to my post read it, share it and if possible get involved with the promotion of his books. You never know what the future holds and one day it might be you in need.

Good Deeds Week March 30th – April 5th

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong, I’m now entering my final few weeks. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

March 30th – Last night we changed our clocks in line with British Summertime, so I’m a bit late this morning. It’s also Mother’s Day, so I’ve been giving and receiving gifts as all Mothers should.

March 31st – A really busy day today. I’ve just done my morning at school. Now the April Issue of Fleet Life has just dropped through my door, so I’ve written a draft ready to coincide with the online version. click on the online directory and fins me on page 18. This months books are;

Please Call Me Derek by Mac Black

The Medea Complex by Rachel Florence Roberts

The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion

Calculated by R.S. Novelle

Spirit Warriors by D.E.L Connor

It’s also my first month writing book reviews for Fleet Life’s sister magazine The Elvetham Heath Directory., again click on the online directory and find me on page. This months featured books are different to Fleet Life although I will mix and match on occasions.

The Dating Game by Susan Buchanan

Greening of a Heart by Stepheny Houghtlin

Red Clay and Roses by S.K. Nicholls

The Griffin’s Boy by Julia Hughes

The Black Hours by Alison Williams.

With my A to Z Challenge starting tomorrow too, I’m sending out reminders to authors whose books are featuring in the first week. I want it to be a good give and take, I promote their books and they promote me.

April 1st – It’s here the first Day of the April A to Z blogging challenge with well over 1900 bloggers signed up this year it’s going to be huge. I’ve been all over the place visiting blogs and writing comments. My own challenge started with A World Apart by Camelia Miron Skiba. Catch up with posts in my Challenge round-up post, or from the A to Z page at the top of this blog.  The sun has finally burnt off the morning fog so now I’m off out in to the garden for a bit of one on one with nature after all my computing.

April 2nd – Online versions of both local magazines made it up on the internet today, so posted my pieces about them and let all the authors know. Having an absolute blast with the A to Z challenge, I can’t believe how many people are coming to my blog it is fantastic. Today’s book was Boot Camp Bride by Lizzie Lamb, Lizzie helped promote the post with her Facebook group of friends which I really appreciated. My slideshow on the sidebar is getting plenty of attention and good comments which is great to hear, have been helping a couple of people out with setting up their own gallery.

April 3rd – Met a friend for coffee in town and caught up with all her news. Went out this evening with more friends and took a birthday present with me for one of them whose birthday is in the next few days. Today’s book on the A to Z Challenge was Coronado’s Treasure by Randy Mixter. I’m thrilled to see lots of re-tweeting going on from other authors who will be taking part in my challenge and from followers of my blog, thanks everyone it means a lot.

April 4th – It’s a Derek Day today on the A to Z with Derek’s Revenge by Mac Black and a plug for the whole series. Went to the local market this morning, met a friend who has offered to pick us up in a few weeks time to attend a party. My Good deeds are mainly internet bound this week, visiting lots of blogs and leaving comments, tweeting and sharing posts. Finished reading Chill Factor by Rachel Caine and left a review on Goodreads.

April 5th – Everlasting by Candace Knoebel is the book for letter E in the A to Z today. Went for a quick walk this afternoon and picked up some litter. Am reading the second book in the Wardstone Chronicles, The Spook’s Curse, by Joseph Delaney, finished it late last evening and posted my review on Goodreads.

Good Deeds Week 23rd – 29th March

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong, I’m now entering my twelfth month. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

March 23rd – Took my daughter out for a driving lesson this afternoon, ended up helping my Mum on her computer while my Dad volunteered to do the driving lesson. It was great for my Dad to be able to spend some time helping his Granddaughter, it made him feel really useful.

March 24th – Sent my son to school with money for the Sports Relief collection.

March 25th – Sent off my book recommendation copies for the May issues of Fleet Life and Elvethan Heath Directory. Really early copy deadlines due to the Easter holidays.

March 26th – Traded help on the computer for another driving lesson today for my daughter and everyone was happy.

March 27th – Dropped some coins into the Diabetes charity pot whilst at the Supermarket, I feel it’s been a while since I last made a voluntary money donation. See how natural it’s become part of my life? I look back at Monday’s line and see I gave money only a few days ago. When you make a conscious decision to donate more “It’s only money, you can’t take it with you when you leave this life” It removes the guilt/ selfish factor which likes to yell “But it’s mine I earnt it”. Yes but giving some back to others sends out hope into the world.

March 28th -Read a really great article this morning which has been trending on Twitter by Elyse Salpeter. It talks about a bit of a change on Twitter that’s taking place where people are looking to interact more with followers rather than posting AT them. We all know the biggest turn off are tweets which basically just shout “Buy my book, buy my book”. This turning over  a new leaf and treating people once more as humans is following a re-curing theme this week. Yesterday I finished 2 books, The Rubicon Effect by Roy Dimond which talks about a grounds up revolution to help solve our worlds destruction by taking back our rights to choose “Politicians are not the solution to the problems”. That should raise some eye-brows!

My second book was “Sugar Coatin’ is for Candy and Pacifyin’ is for kids” by Nonnie Jules. Apart from having a serendipity moment while reading her book on the back of Roy’s, she too has some great advice on interacting with your readers and followers. Her short book is a collection of her best blog posts and at 77p or $1.27 it is good value for money.

Set some of these new ideas into motion with some better wording of my own tweets. What type of Tweets do you re-tweet? What Tweets appeal to you?

Launched a Spring Reads collection on the blog today. Just some of the books that I’ve recently been really impressed by and I included one about Iceland for a good friend who reminded me of Iceland today as he is there on Holiday for a few days. Here is the link to the post.

March 29th – A bit of a strange day, the internet struggles to hold on to just one open page at a time, let alone the multitude of tabs I usually have open all at the same time. So instead I got on with my reading and chuntered under my breath in frustration. Finished reading Reborn by Cherie Reich, read a short story called One Chance by Rishika Sitlani and began re-reading The Spook’s Apprentice by Joseph Delaney, it’s such a good series that it deserves more exposure. Agreed to help an author Paul Collins out with his request to have an author interview here on the blog in May.

Good Deeds Week 16th – 22nd March

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

March 16th – I’m reading books from the Shivers box set from HarlequinE books. Also finished another book The Wrath Inside by RR Gall and sent off the review to the author.

March 17th – A good morning helping out at school today.

March 18th – I have a friend coming over for coffee later, I’ve baked a tea bread for us to eat while she’s here. Good deeds received; my friend brought some delicious cookies as a gift for us.

March 19th – Phew! Had a hectic day, but finished by providing tea for friends. Received an ARC of Reborn by Cherie Reich which is due out on May 23rd, I am planning a book review and author interview for late May. Good Deeds received; had some great help tweaking details on some of my social network sites.

March 20th – Went out for a walk to hand deliver some overdue Thank you notes. Picked up litter along the way. Couldn’t decide between the next two books that are on my TBR list so began reading both. The Rubicon Effect by Roy Dimond on my Kindle and the paperback of Derek’s Revenge by Mac Black. After an evening spent doing paid employment in the form of bookkeeping I needed time to reflect and smooth my mind, so I picked up my copy of The Power is Within You by Louise Hay.

March 21st – A busy morning, it’s the A to Z April Challenge Theme Reveal day and I’ve been visiting other bloggers who have signed up for the Theme Reveal and leaving comments. Missed my post? Here is a link Walked in to town and saw the advertising poster outside Costa Coffee for Fleet. Author John P Ford who is holding a book signing session on Saturday, for his book The Royal Descendant. It looked good, will drop him an email saying I saw it, have been invited along to the event on Saturday.

Went to one of my favourite shops for book bargains The Works and rummaged through boxes of books all for £1. Bought 2 books by Rachel Cain, Fade Out from her The Morganville Vampire series which I enjoyed a few years ago and another book by her, Chill factor. Stopped off at Help the Aged as I passed by and checked out their books, deciding on Heretic by Bernard Cornwell. My arms nearly dropped off with the books and all the other shopping that I’d done by the time I got home, so now I’m off to put my feet up and get on with some reading.

March 22nd – Went to Costa in Fleet this morning to support author John P Ford with his book signing event, sent out an early morning Tweet to @Love Fleet about the signing and they kindly re-tweeted. John had business cards made up and was offering books at a discounted price to readers who bought a copy today. I’m hoping to feature John’s book in the May issue of Fleet Life and the June issue of The Elvetham Heath Directory.

Good Deeds Week 9th – 15th March

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

March 9th – Making afternoon tea for the in-laws today and catching up with all their news.

March 10th – Had a lovely morning helping out at school. Posted my book review of The Royal Descendant by local author John P Ford  on the blog today and was delighted for him when he told me he’s going to be promoting his book at Costa Coffee in Fleet on Saturday 22nd March 10.00am – 2.00pm.

March 11th – Sent out an invite to a friend to come for a coffee next week. Did a little job for someone else at work this morning, who was busy elsewhere. Invited author Roy Dimond for a virtual coffee after finishing reading his book The Singing Bowl and thoroughly enjoying it, we had a lovely chat about his writing across the Universe. Roy will be a guest here on the blog on March 27th along with his co-author of Saving Our Pennys, Jeff Lietch.

March 12th – Good Deeds received, had a lovely gift in the post, Derek’s Revenge sent to me by the lovely Mac Black. Look out for a review of this book in May. Invited friends over for tea next Wednesday.

March 13th – Found that my neighbours had left their back gate wide open and then gone away for a few days, so I shut it for them making the garden less exposed. This isn’t the first, over the years I’ve shut neighbours garage doors and even a front door when people have rushed off leaving them wide open for days at a time. Finished reading three books today; Key of Valour by Nora Roberts, Me and Billy the Kid by Briana Vedsted and X by Jack Croxall.

March 14th – Tidied up the blogs that I follow in the reader section of WordPress, followed some new bloggers. Started reading Blackwater by Alison Willams. Good Deeds received, a friend has organised a girls night out for us in a couple of weeks time.

March 15th – Sue Koenig author of The Bench, let me know her book was now up on Amazon and Goodreads, I have previously read and reviewed it and have now posted my reviews. Her book is poetry and short stories. Sue is also a fellow A to Z challenger.

Good Deeds Week 2nd – 8th March

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deedsMarch 2nd – Helped a fellow author out, Rachel Roberts, promote her book in a Kindle Countdown Deal, she was at no.27 in the top 100, with her book Medea Complex.

March 3rd – Helped out at school this morning. Had some wonderful help from fellow bloggers with some of the last letters on my A to Z Challenge. Volunteered to read and review Me and Billy The Kid for author Briana Vedsted.

March 4th – Got up seriously early this morning so that I could get my social networking done before sitting in traffic jams with the kids and finally getting to work. After this morning I really appreciate the fact that usually, I can avoid rush hour. Have been promoting The Griffin’s Boy and author Julia Hughes over the last 2 days. Julia’s been busy herself helping out a fellow author who is fighting cancer. Author Stephen C Spencer writes the Paul Mallory series, America’s answer to James Bond. Julia and Sean Campbell (who was our guest a few weeks ago with his book Cleaver Square) are helping Stephen to re-launch his books. I’ll be helping out on the blog with the re-launch in a few weeks and will appreciate help from you all to spread the word where possible during that time.

March 5th – Bought Land of the Painted Caves by Jean M. Auel book 6 in the Earth’s Children series, for my Mum ready for Mother’s Day. We’ve both enjoyed the series and Mum has been looking for a copy for a while. Started reading The Singing Bowl by Roy Dimond. Good Deeds received; Today I was a guest author over at fellow book reviewer A Woman’s Wisdom.

March 6th – Made a charity donation whilst out shopping today in one of my favourite stores, Lush.

March 7th – Posted my review of Flawed Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni on Goodreads and Amazon inline with the book launch today. Dropped off a birthday gift for a very good friend.

March 8th – Today’s book on the blog is a FREE travel download available from my friends at Blackfrog Publishing. “Overlanding- How, What, Where and Who with…”  by Andy Robinson and Kirsty McGregor. Check out the link to the post here

I’m ploughing my way through The Singing Bowl by Roy Dimond it really is an brilliantly epic book full of amazing characters and places, it is about a Tibetan Monk who is given a mystery to solve and a lost book to find as he flees from Chinese communists who want to destroy the ancient religion. It spans many cultures and travels through The Ancient World, The Old World and will end in The New World. The monk learns so much from inspiring people, I feel that I am travelling along with him. My deed today is to spread news of this book to you. May you too, find time to read this book and enjoy it as much as me.

Good Deeds Week 23rd February – 1st March

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

February 23rd – Finished reading a Flawed Perfection by Cassandra Giovanni today and wrote a review ready to coincide with the book release on March 7th. Happily agreed to read and review another book, Sarah’s Survival Guide by author Cynthia Harrison, I have previously enjoyed reading several of her books.

February 24th – The children are back at school today, so my Good Deed is ticked off with a morning helping out at school. Good Deed received; Mac Black’s book Derek’s In trouble arrived in the post today, can’t wait to get started on it.

February 25th – Have had a great 2 days on the blog giving and receiving Good Deeds. It started on Monday when I posted my review of Red Clay and Roses by S.K.Nicholls and went on to today with her taking part as our guest author. I have had so much positive feedback about the review and the interview it has been lovely. On top of that I’ve helped spread the word about the book far and wide and I know it has lead to some readers buying the book. Finished another book today, this one was part of the new HarlequinE box set Shivers books, Legacy of Darkness by Jane Godman. My review and author interview will be posted here on the blog at the end of March.

February 26th – Have just written a book review for Sarah’s Survival Guide, it will appear on the blog later in March, started my next book Saving Our Pennys by Roy Dimond and Jeff Leitch. Just 5 letters to fill in my A to Z challenge, 2 of which I have authors interested in, but just need their confirmation.

February 27th – Having just finished reading Saving Our Pennys by Roy Dimond and Jeff Leitch. I needed to get out in to the sunshine and spend some time reflecting on the lessons I had learnt from the book. Do you ever read something that really makes to stop and think? So off I went for a walk, I like to leave all technology behind when I go out like this and just be at peace. Picked up litter along my route. Good Deeds received: Had virtual coffee with a blogging friend and she helped me out on a few technical issues.

February 28th – Am reading  Mac Black’s book Derek’s In trouble and having a good chuckle along the way. Left a big tip for my hairdresser today who worked wonders with an unruly mop of hair. Accepted 3 more books for review; Judas Goat – The Kennet Narrow Boat Mystery by Patrick Brigham, and two from Roy Dimond; The singing Bowl and The Rubicon effect.

March 1st – Have been feeling guilty, guilt is bad! I have contacted several authors about taking part in my A to Z challenge, lots of them have been wonderful and sent me back information quickly and efficiently. I had an author I had contacted by Twitter back in January who said yes, then when I sent out more messages they just got re-tweeted instead of read and replied. I’ve since let another author have the slot and the first one RT’s many of my daily tweets, but lost his chance. Today I sent him an apology by tweet. What else can I do?

Finished and reviewed Mac Black’s book Derek’s In trouble and the lovely Mac has offered to send me the third book in the series. There were so many great characters continuing the mayhem in Derek’s life, I’m still chuckling now remembering Granny Wisdom in her wheelie bin and 4 drunken men trying to climb over a high wired fence in the middle of the night. The afternoon was lovely and sunny and I spent it in the garden, a small good deed involved weeding the shared garden pathway.

Filled another letter on my A to Z challenge. Just letters Q and X to find books for, am hoping authors of the letters U and Y will send me the details I need this week. It’s been a good week.

Good Deeds Week 16th – 22nd February

Welcome to my weekly roundup of my year long challenge to do one Good deed a day for a year. This challenge began back in April 2013 and is still going strong. My inspiration came from reading “A Year of Doing Good” by Judith O’Reilly. Here is what I’ve been up to this week.

Good deeds

February 16th – It is 10 months to this day that I began my own year of Good Deeds Challenge, the time has really flown by. This week is National Random Acts of Kindness Week.

February 17th – Left a tip for the lady who cut my kid’s hair. It’s the school half term, so I’m not in helping the children this week.

February 18th – Just a couple of book reviews today. Liaised with an author about her book review post and guest author interview.

February 19th – Set up a draft of a guest author interview, began reading another book and checked over my book reviews for the April issues of the 2 magazines that I write for. Really sad news, the editor of Fleet Life said she didn’t have room for my book reviews in the March Issue, instead of being miffed I need to use the experience to find a new opportunity. Hopefully I’ll be back in for April and I should also start my book review page in the sister magazine in April too.

February 20th – The sun is shining, so I’ve made the most of it and got out into the garden. Raked up leaves from mine and my neighbours front gardens.

February 21st – Have invited some friends and their children over for tea. A good afternoon to catch up. I baked a cake, a quiche and I’ll make homemade pizza’s later. Good Deeds received; My friends came loaded down with flowers and cakes, Thank you.

February 22nd – Made it over to see my parents, now that some of the local flooding has gone down. Did a little bit of computer deleting for my Mum to clean up her files.We have quite a few roads shut around the area due to the flooding or the damage it has caused, still quite a lot of water around on my route there and back. 20 letters of my A to Z challenge now booked, and 2 more people thinking about it who are yet to confirm their place, Yay! Some tough letters left to fill but I do have some ideas.