Rosie’s #Bookreview Team #RBRT #Superheroes #ShortStory MY NEW SUPERJOB by @AntonEine

Today’s team review is from Karen, she blogs here

#RBRT Review Team

Karen has been reading My New Superjob by Anton Eine

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This book focuses on an interview between “Mark” and Samantha, the latter being in dire need of a paying job.

With “My New Superjob”, Anton Eine has created a very funny short story with more than a superhero touch. The story was initially planned to be just one short story – this would have been our (the readers’) loss. This short story comprises two believable characters with sufficient depth and hilarious dialogue. I had a great time reading “My New Superjob” – it is a very fun read. I was drawn into the story right away, getting closer to Samantha, page by page. I am looking forward to reading more!

This is for you if you like female protagonists, great – and fun – dialogue, as well as the superhero topic.

A fun and somehow suspenseful short story to read again; it is the very promising first in a new series.


Book description

Did you ever want to be a superhero? The city’s defender against crime, violence, and all forms of sicko nastiness?
When one day she stumbled upon a strange help wanted ad claiming that the city was looking for a superhero, Samantha Washington, a former Ranger commander, was sure it was a joke. And she sent in her resume.
Will the ad turn out to be somebody’s dumb idea of a joke, a practical stunt, a cunning maniac’s clever trap, or… a real opportunity leading to a difficult and dangerous future occupation?
Now that she has let herself be drawn inextricably into the chain of events, Samantha will have to figure it all out on her own. And she’ll have to do it face to face with her own deepest fears.

AmazonUK | AmazonUS

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Rosie’s #BookReview Team #RBRT #Shortstory My New Superjob by @AntonEine

Today’s team review is from Georgia, she blogs here

#RBRT Review Team

Georgia has been reading My New Superjob by Anton Eine

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This short story is basically an interview, but one with a difference. Taking place in an unusual setting, which is very well described, Samantha meets Mark who tells her he’s something of an expert in human resources.

What follows is unusual in terms of an interview and revealing in the questions asked and answers given.

I liked it a lot. There was great insight into the characters and the story ended very well so that it was finished off nicely but the reader is left wanting to know what happens next.

Fortunately there is a next as this is the beginning of a series, a promising one at that.

Book description

Did you ever want to be a superhero? The city’s defender against crime, violence, and all forms of sicko nastiness?
When one day she stumbled upon a strange help wanted ad claiming that the city was looking for a superhero, Samantha Washington, a former Ranger commander, was sure it was a joke. And she sent in her resume.
Will the ad turn out to be somebody’s dumb idea of a joke, a practical stunt, a cunning maniac’s clever trap, or… a real opportunity leading to a difficult and dangerous future occupation?
Now that she has let herself be drawn inextricably into the chain of events, Samantha will have to figure it all out on her own. And she’ll have to do it face to face with her own deepest fears.

AmazonUK | AmazonUS

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Rosie’s #Bookreview Team #RBRT Superhero #ShortStory MY NEW SUPERJOB by @AntonEine

Today’s team review is from Lilyn, she blogs here

#RBRT Review Team

Lilyn has been reading My New Superjob by Anton Eine

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I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, but I was delighted by what I found. This is a quick, easy read that introduced me to a character I definitely want to know more about.
Yeah, she seems a bit too skilled for certain things, but her deficiencies will make up for I think.
I also enjoy the author’s thoughts on how cities very well could turn to looking at unexpected ways to handle rising crime in the future. Do I think that this particular way is a possibility? No, not really. However with the current MARVEL MCU rolling, who knows who could buy into that crazy and try this stuff themselves.
It’s pretty well written, quick, gets straight to the point, and crafts a good couple of characters. Recommended.
Book description
Did you ever want to be a superhero? The city’s defender against crime, violence, and all forms of sicko nastiness?
When one day she stumbled upon a strange help wanted ad claiming that the city was looking for a superhero, Samantha Washington, a former Ranger commander, was sure it was a joke. And she sent in her resume.
Will the ad turn out to be somebody’s dumb idea of a joke, a practical stunt, a cunning maniac’s clever trap, or… a real opportunity leading to a difficult and dangerous future occupation?
Now that she has let herself be drawn inextricably into the chain of events, Samantha will have to figure it all out on her own. And she’ll have to do it face to face with her own deepest fears.
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