📚#NonFiction Modern Speed Reading by Jimmy McMaster, Reviewed by Rosie.

Modern Speed Reading: Learn to Inhale and Absorb Written Content and Improve Speed, Retention, and ComprehensionModern Speed Reading: Learn to Inhale and Absorb Written Content and Improve Speed, Retention, and Comprehension by Jimmy McMaster
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Modern Speed Reading: Learn to Inhale and Absorb Written Content and Improve Speed, Retention, and Comprehension.

Reading comes in many forms: books, articles, letters, emails, information posts, social media posts, terms and conditions and many more formats.

As someone who reads a lot of books, I was interested in what I might learn about speed reading.
The book was written in a formal and academic structure with plenty of references throughout. It spent a lot of time talking about the processes and settings which are best put in place before beginning the speed reading training. There were lots of references to chapter nine which I was led to believe would be the most important one to read. However, chapter nine does not appear until three quarters of the way through the book. I found that I had not learned a great deal by then, and the chapter did not fulfil my expectations. There then followed a quick conclusion and reference lists.

I often prefer to read a non-fiction books in paperback as is makes flicking back and forth easy, should I want to return to exercises or other points. However, I was sent a PDF version of this book; all the text was justified (straight edges on both sides, which means unequal spaces between words to fit the purpose). This was ironic as one of the specific points made about speed reading was that justified pages make the process much harder as the eyes apparently have to readjust to the spacing, making block reading, a speed-reading skill, difficult.

Much of the book also focussed on reading physical pages, while a small part talked about reading on a computer screen. An e-reader was mentioned in passing, but I felt that the author’s main focus was on academic text.

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Book Description:

Modern society moves at an incredible speed. If you’re not careful, it is easy to feel like you are falling behind while your friends, co-workers, and close family seem to be learning and growing. Perhaps you have always struggled to read quickly, which has put you off reading and educating yourself. Or maybe you can read quickly but struggle to comprehend much of the content you consume and therefore struggle to retain it. Well, not for much longer! Modern Speed Reading is a must-read for anyone interested in learning how to inhale and absorb written content and improve their speed, retention, and comprehension. This book will teach you everything you need about reading that you should get taught in school. It will show you how to form new positive reading habits, read faster, and reap the rewards of developing these skills. Inside Modern Speed Reading, the benefits of speed reading. How to form new positive reading habits. Small improvements you can make to become a faster reader. Visual and mental techniques to improve your reading. Ways to consume content while speed reading. Say goodbye to struggling through books for months and say hello to more content and information than you have ever experienced.

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📚#SelfHelp Advice. Rosie’s #Bookreview Of| Rat Race Reboot: Unlock Your Full Potential To Achieve Impossible Goals by Laura Noel.|

Rat Race Reboot: Unlock Your Full Potential To Achieve Impossible GoalsRat Race Reboot: Unlock Your Full Potential To Achieve Impossible Goals by Laura Noel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Rat Race Reboot: Unlock Your Full Potential To Achieve Impossible Goals is a self-help book for those interested in changing their life or work situations.

If this book sounds like something you would like, then I strongly recommend reading it in paperback as there are lots of points that you might want to flick back and forth between.

The book is set into two distinct parts, with part one focused mainly on workplace situations, while part two was more for individual goals. I found part two to be more appealing and useful as it had a good assortment of exercises to try out and gave some clear directions. I already have an interest in this subject matter and I liked many of the author’s suggestions, particularly how to focus on big ideas and follow through with them. I also liked the actionable pointers and the twelve step recap.

While many of the work related examples meant little to me, I did find other areas that could be adapted for daily use by anyone wanting to live out their dreams in a more practical way. This is one of those books that you want to go back and re-read to apply the exercises to different situations. I’ve earmarked several chapters that I am looking forward to going through again, which for me is the sign of a useful book.

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Book Description:

Escape the rat race and create your ideal future today!

Are you tired of the endless daily grind? Of feeling that constant need to do more, achieve more, be more? Are you reaching the end of the day and feeling exhausted after going nowhere so fast?

You can design—and have—your dream life, if you learn how to reboot your mind. Your brain is more powerful than you realize and knowing how to use your thoughts to empower you is the key to setting and achieving “impossible” goals every single day.

Rat Race Reboot contains the answers you need to maximize your potential, find a meaningful purpose, and create a fulfilling life. With the strategies you’ll learn in Rat Race Reboot , you can become your best, most successful self, and discover the joy you’ve always wanted.

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📚Health And Fitness. Rosie’s #BookReview Of #SelfHelp 6 Ways To Fitness: Exercise For Seniors Over 60 For More Strength, Better Bones, Mood, And Motivation by Dallin Banks.

6 Ways To Senior Fitness: Exercise For Seniors Over 60 For More Strength, Better Bones, Mood, And Motivation6 Ways To Senior Fitness: Exercise For Seniors Over 60 For More Strength, Better Bones, Mood, And Motivation by Dallin Banks
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

6 Ways To Senior Fitness: Exercise For Seniors Over 60 For More Strength, Better Bones, Mood And Motivation.

This book is aimed at seniors who might want to start a fitness regime. The first half of the book talks about health, nutrition and fitness, while the second part has a range of suggested exercises that seniors might do with a final section about nutrition and diet.

I liked the idea of this book and the exercises have some useful simplistic diagrams to help visualise the movements. However, I found that the writing style of the book reminded me of educational assignments, similar to ones written by university students; there were lots of references to other texts which over-powered the voice of the author.

This might be a useful starting point for senior fitness, but the presentation style didn’t grab me.

View all my reviews on Goodreads.


Orange rose book description
Book description

If you want to learn how to safely and effectively achieve fitness
then keep reading…

As you get older health and safety issues, can become a constant
source of concern.

These conditions can be prevented. They are not inevitable.
You don’t have to have problems with balance, mobility, posture
and medical issues
 to name a few.

Don’t worry, research has proven that even moderate exercise
can help prevent these problems.

In 6 Ways To Senior Fitness you will discover:

  • Simple exercises that can be done at home
  • How to achieve better mood and motivation
  • How to improve balance and mobility
  • Why nutrients are needed while exercising
  • When and how to hydrate while exercising
  • How to get motivated to exercise
  • How to set exercise goals

And much more…

So even if you think you don’t have the time, or you think it
won’t work for you, it’s not too late. Even you can achieve

If you want to learn how to avoid an inactive lifestyle,
find out now, how to put more life in your years and more
years in your life.

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📚A #SelfHelp book. Rosie’s #Bookreview of Failosophy For Teens by @elizabday #nonfiction

Failosophy for TeensFailosophy for Teens by Elizabeth Day

Failosophy is a book written for teens on the subject of failure. It provides a seven step coping method which is interlaced with tips and true stories from a selection of celebrities.

Author Elizabeth Day has written this book in conjunction with her podcasts and live shows. It is an interesting subject, particularly with so much peer and social media pressure that focuses on success. Everyone fails at something and this book looks at ways to see adverse outcomes as life-lessons, and it also offers advice on how to cope with lack of success in many spheres of life.

The teen years can be tough, so this book may be very useful, especially to someone who feels isolated and alone due to their perception of their own failures.

View all my reviews on Goodreads

Orange rose book description

Book description


Pretty much all of us would like to feel happier, less anxious, more successful and at ease with ourselves. Right?

The key may surprise you: FAILURE!

Failosophy For Teens is an inspiring and empowering guide to those moments when life doesn’t go to plan. Using personal experience and stories shared by guests on her award-winning podcast, How to Fail, Elizabeth’s book is full of creative and inspiring advice on how to:

– talk openly about failure
– turn failure into success
– build resilience for when life sends you curveballs
– reframe negative thoughts about yourself

. . . and much more!

Failing better is the key to learning, growing and ultimately loving yourself as the truly AWESOME human being you are. Failosophy For Teens will challenge your self-perception and change your life!

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