🌺This Week An Abundance Of Pink And Purple In My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

We had had another week of sunshine and showers which the garden is adoring. Temperatures have stayed quite low, but there are promises of a fine weekend.

I’m off to help at a plant sale this morning, so I shall catch up with posts from all the other SoS gardeners later.

The Lily Of The Valley are just peaking through the lush green leaves in photo one. While photo two begins the pink and purple theme for the rest of the pictures. This is Clematis Josephine, she’s supposed to be easy to grow, need low maintenance and have a compact habit, which sounds fine to me. I bought her in the post Christmas sales as a gift to myself. The third photo is of the first flowers on the variegated Weigela. Last week Graeme from OneManAndHisGardenTrowel predicted that I wouldn’t have to wait much longer for my Weigela to bloom, and how right he was!

Moving from a pink theme, now we get to the purple flowers. I couldn’t resist sharing this pretty self-seeded Viola that has popped up in the ‘lawn’ (it is mainly Astro which I am slowly removing) I really love Violas and much prefer them to the larger Pansy. The fifth photo goes to some Jacob;s ladder which is attracting the bees. While the last photo shows three Alium which are almost out, but just tantalising with the initial flowers.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


🌷Spring Showers And May Flowers For #SixOnSaturday From My Hampshire Garden #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

This week I have returned to my own garden as I join in with the Six On Saturday gardening meme.

The flowers are beginning to take off and it is exciting when you have several options to choose from each week.

My Tulips have been quite late this year, but lovely when they opened. I don’t know their names, but I do know that I want to buy more for next Spring. Tulips photos one and three surround a picture of part of the Bluebell bed which is now in full flower.

Photo four is of one of the Anemones which the slugs and snails have been munching on this year. They were dining while I was away which hasn’t helped. Photo five is of some dwarf Iris, inherited from a relative and the last photo is of the Lilac which is putting on a good show this year.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


🌼Easter Gardening From My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

The week began with a couple of frosty nights which nipped at some of my plants that I had transfered to the greenhouse. We had sun and rain to add to the mix. A typical Spring week perhaps? The bumblebees are buzzing, the birds are nesting and I saw a large yellow butterfly on Tuesday.

Let’s take a look at this week’s six.

Photo one is of some of the ‘White Magic’ Muscari. I always find white flowers hard to get in focus when photographing.

Picture two shows the Japanese Quince just coming into flower.

Photo three is of some ‘Green’ Alkanet with its blue flowers! I must keep an eye on this as I believe is is fast growing.

Photo four shows the pretty flowers of Comfrey, almost ready to bloom. I’m keeping this in a pot to stop it spreading too much, and I hope to use it to make some liquid fertiliser.

The fifth photo is of some lovely Forget-Me-Nots.

Finally, if you look closely, the Lilac is coming into bud. It looks much better in real life, the photo doesn’t show it at its best.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


🌷Spring Forth Into Bloom From My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

This is the last weekend of March and in the UK we move our clicks forward an hour on Sunday morning.

This week we have had rain, sun, wind and mild temperatures in Hampshire, so the flowers are blooming well.

Photo one is of this lemon coloured Hyacinth, it has a very short stem and only just peaks out from the leaves.

Picture two is of the first of the Muscari with their tiny blue flowers, each one reminds me of a lace edged capped sleeve of a dress. Hopefully I will have some other coloured ones too, if the squirrels have left me any.

Photo three is of this lovely clump of Primroses.

Pinks and purples now. First this pink Hyacinth. Followed by the pink flowers on the flowering currant bush and finally some purple and mauve Violas. A bargain pack from Aldi at £1.89 for 10 plug plants.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


🌺Marching Through The Month. Spring Flowers In My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

After missing last Saturday (snowy weather that pressed pause in my garden) we are back with more of a seasonal selection of flowers.

Looking around this week, the daffodils are making up for lost time and the recent rains have spruced the ground up making everything look a lot healthier.

The first photo is of ‘new to this garden,’ Tête á Tête. I have been waiting patiently for them to appear and then these popped up when I wasn’t looking!

Second photo goes to this lovely purple Hellebore. Of course all the flowers are facing down and impossible to photograph without a little handy help!

Third photo is one of several emerging Hyacinths.

Fourth photo is of some mauve Polyanthus, I always think that these are from a cross breed of Primroses and Polyanthus as they all grow together, but I’m not sure.

Fifth photo is of the more common Daffodil. Mine are quite late this year, compared to other gardens.

Sixth picture goes to the Camellia which is now full of blooms.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


🌺My First #SixOnSaturday For 2023. Sharing My Plants And Flowers. Hosted by @JamesLStephens #WinterFlowers #GardeningTwitter #Gardens

With very little flowering in my garden recently, I took a two week break over the festive period.

January 7th

So what plants are waving hello today?

Starting with this lovely vibrant pink Hyacinth, just one from a bowl given to me as a festive gift. The others are slowly emerging.

Pink Hyacinth

Second photo goes to this white variety of Jasmine. This was given to my husband two years ago for his April birthday when it was in full bloom. I have taken a successful cutting of it. Neither flowered last year, but now both are budding up this January.


Third photo is of some ‘mystery’ bulbs shooting up. My best guess is that they are bluebells, but as that is quite early, they may be Hyacinths. I can’t remember where I planted everything, so they will be a surprise when they flower.


Not far away from the mystery bulbs, the flowering currant is forming buds.

Flowering Currant Buds

Fifth photo goes to the yellow winter Jasmine which is brightening up a wooden fence.

Winter Jasmine

Lastly is a wonderfully ‘out of focus’😏Polyanthus in my favourite purple colour.


Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


January 7th