🌷Spring Flowers From My Hampshire Garden For This Week’s #SixOnSaturday #GardeningX

I saw my first bumblebee of the season on Tuesday, which I was quite excited about. I do hope that it found enough flowers to feed on. As I walked around the garden this week, there were plenty of signs of new growth.

Talking about signs!

I had a chance to review these fun plant pot signs and had to include them today to give a few chuckles!

Back to more serious garden items.

The Crocus were tantalising, already to bloom, but waiting for the sun to shine. The Primroses are all budding up too.

Dwarf Iris snuck in while I wasn’t looking which made for some cheery colour, as did this pink Polyanthus which was doing better after being snacked on earlier by the slugs or snails.

If you would like to see more gardens from fellow Six On Saturday people from across the world, check out the links from meme host Jim and his blog here.

Happy gardening,


P.S. Come back tomorrow for the first post in the new Garden Tips series from fellow #SixOnSaturday gardeners.

💐More Spring Flowers From My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

A chilly end to this week’s temperature brings a cold blast as February takes its leave. I have been planting more seeds and am running out of room in the conservatory, but I can’t help myself, I feel like a gardening addict!

However, the plants have not taken too much notice of the cold spell and are brightening up the garden. I am quite excited about the amount of colour that is dotted around.

Photo one shows some of the bright yellow Crocus that are popping up. In the second photo we have some mauve Polyanthus and in the third photo the Forsythia is just starting to flower in its quiet corner of the front garden.

These next three types of flower have all been featured in other weeks but these are all ‘different’ blooms. A lovely dark purple Crocus, more flowers on the Camellia and another gorgeous blue dwarf Iris.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


🌺My First #SixOnSaturday For 2023. Sharing My Plants And Flowers. Hosted by @JamesLStephens #WinterFlowers #GardeningTwitter #Gardens

With very little flowering in my garden recently, I took a two week break over the festive period.

January 7th

So what plants are waving hello today?

Starting with this lovely vibrant pink Hyacinth, just one from a bowl given to me as a festive gift. The others are slowly emerging.

Pink Hyacinth

Second photo goes to this white variety of Jasmine. This was given to my husband two years ago for his April birthday when it was in full bloom. I have taken a successful cutting of it. Neither flowered last year, but now both are budding up this January.


Third photo is of some ‘mystery’ bulbs shooting up. My best guess is that they are bluebells, but as that is quite early, they may be Hyacinths. I can’t remember where I planted everything, so they will be a surprise when they flower.


Not far away from the mystery bulbs, the flowering currant is forming buds.

Flowering Currant Buds

Fifth photo goes to the yellow winter Jasmine which is brightening up a wooden fence.

Winter Jasmine

Lastly is a wonderfully ‘out of focus’😏Polyanthus in my favourite purple colour.


Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


January 7th

It’s Gonna Be A Bright Sunshiny… #SixOnSaturday @cavershamjj

As I begin writing this post on Thursday, here in the UK we have a lull between storm Dudley and storm Eunice. So I’m crossing my fingers that everyone’s gardens in the UK and northern Europe survived without too much damage.

If you do need cheering up, I start with a photo which might appeal to some of you. I saw a picture of this on Instagram and while surfing the net, with it in mind, I discovered that I could own my very own T-shirt with just a simple click. (It comes in 7 colours if pink isn’t your thing!)

Back to the garden photos, with number two. I was very pleased to see the ornamental cherry that we share with the neighbour is just beginning to blossom.

Photo three is of various Polyanthus, I do like the multitude of colours that these plants come in.

Photo four is of the flowering current, which is just starting to form its buds.

I spotted the the fifth photo during storm Dudley, but it wasn’t until the following morning that I could see if the flowers had survived. Two flowers with a little storm damage. I’m hoping that some of you can tell me the variety?

Lastly, ‘Just what are you doing now?’ Ask my family. These are some of my version of Cob bricks which have been drying for a few weeks. I shall keep them drying until March when they will be added to my bee wall. They are made from natural clay, grass and dry bracken found in the woodland. Hairy-footed bumblebees like to use clay when building their nests, so I am hoping to attract more insect life to my garden with these.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. If you would like to know more about this hashtag, read founder Mr Propagator’s post here also find him on Twitter here.

Happy gardening
