🌺My First #SixOnSaturday For 2023. Sharing My Plants And Flowers. Hosted by @JamesLStephens #WinterFlowers #GardeningTwitter #Gardens

With very little flowering in my garden recently, I took a two week break over the festive period.

January 7th

So what plants are waving hello today?

Starting with this lovely vibrant pink Hyacinth, just one from a bowl given to me as a festive gift. The others are slowly emerging.

Pink Hyacinth

Second photo goes to this white variety of Jasmine. This was given to my husband two years ago for his April birthday when it was in full bloom. I have taken a successful cutting of it. Neither flowered last year, but now both are budding up this January.


Third photo is of some ‘mystery’ bulbs shooting up. My best guess is that they are bluebells, but as that is quite early, they may be Hyacinths. I can’t remember where I planted everything, so they will be a surprise when they flower.


Not far away from the mystery bulbs, the flowering currant is forming buds.

Flowering Currant Buds

Fifth photo goes to the yellow winter Jasmine which is brightening up a wooden fence.

Winter Jasmine

Lastly is a wonderfully ‘out of focus’😏Polyanthus in my favourite purple colour.


Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


January 7th