BLUE WATERS by @TheIndiaRAdams @UFBooks #NA #Romance #TuesdayBookBlog #Valentine read

Blue Waters (Tainted Water #1)Blue Waters by India R. Adams
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Blue Waters is a novella, book #1 in a NA romance series called Tainted Water. The book is set in Connecticut.

It opens with an intriguing underwater scene which gives the impression that someone is about to drown. It posed so many questions it had me hooked as a reader.

Chapter one introduces us to Link and Whit two baddass teenagers from privileged elite families. Rebel kids on paths of destruction just to push the boundaries their families have set up for them. Link is being groomed for Yale and law, Whit for Harvard and medicine.

Yet here they are goofing around, acting bad. All link wants, apparently, is to be a footballer and Whit wants to dance. Best friends, best buddies, they’d do anything for each other. Their relationship is so close they could well be lovers or if not, certainly on the brink of changing their situation. Yet Link has a serious girlfriend and Whit just doesn’t think of Link that way.

Whit is sassy, fun and hugely entertaining, her conversation running on the fly is terrific and her friends all know her so well that they fall in line wherever her train of mad thoughts go. At the movie theatre Whit meets Mr Lickable, a guy she finds instantly attractive, yet in fun Whit style their conversation is sassy and warped with her allowing him to call her Frankie and she implying she has children of her own. Amused by this hot running mouth he catches up with her after the movie, but rather than being caught out, Whit does what Whit does best and runs her entertainment at full volume.

Crash, as Mr Lickable has been nicknamed, pursues Whit, but they are both hiding from families and the past. They paint a facade for the world, but their secrets worm their way to form a bond. Through all this, Link is there to protect Whit, always, and when he finds out more about Crash and how he is connected to Whit’s past, the friendship road crashes in style, but their feelings for each other live on.

The intensity of the break-up was immense with emotions deeply felt, I was reminded of the despair felt by Bella in Twilight’s New Moon. The break-up of Crash and Whit pushed the pair to extremes in their daily lives. The story built to an ending which suited the book, it was raw and painful.

I liked this book, the novella length fitted the insta-love, no time to spend on slow burning build-ups, the language was emotional and I was easily there, deep in the book with the characters. Whit’s sassy dialogue and thoughts were a pleasure to read. The dance storyline was weakest for me, feeling a little cliched and a few typos still need attention if you want to be picky, but a very enjoyable quick read. Book #2 I believe, is Link’s tale of the events but told from a very different angle.

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Book description

“The blue water I sank through was angelic, quiet, peaceful…”

Whitney is a vivacious, highly spirited 17-year-old girl. Her motto, “Live life to the fullest” is derailed when the young man, who’s captured her attention, turns out to be the son of a drug tycoon- the same that provided the drugs that killed her brother. Whitney believes she simply needs to heal from her first heartache, not knowing she is a part of a devious trade, one against human rights, and she has been… since the day age was born.

Blue Waters is the first Novella in a Tainted Waters, and begins a story of deception, corruption, self-discovery, and love with all that it demands you sacrifice…

“There was a beauty in dying that day…” 

About the author



India R Adams is an author/singer/songwriter who has written YA and NA novels, and the music for the Forever series.

India was born and raised in Florida but has also been so lucky as to live in Idaho (where she froze but fell in love with the small town life), Austin Texas (where she started her first book, Serenity, and met wonderful artist), and now Murphy, North Carolina (where the mountains have stolen a piece of her heart).

Being a survivor of abuse, has inspired India to let others know they have nothing to be ashamed of. She put her many years of professional theater background to the test and has written fictional stories with a shadow of her personal experiences. She says, “I’m simply finding ways to empower perfect imperfections.”

Another cause India feels needs change, is Sexual Slavery. She has joined forces with jewelers to design beautiful ways to raise money for non-profit organizations. Even though India writes about serious subjects such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, and Human Trafficking, she has a magnificent sense of humor, as do the characters she creates. Perfectly balanced between laughter and tears, her readers see how to empower their own perfect imperfections.

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Enter below for a chance to win an e-copy of India’s Fantasy Tale Rain – Book #1 of A Stranger In The Woods series

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Rain – Book Description

What if you knew you had just met the other part of your soul—the one who could take away all the pain and loneliness—but no one believes you because the rugged stranger from the woods is nowhere to be found? Would you search for him? Would you be strong enough to believe he exist somewhere out in the darkness where he found you? And if you were to finally find the stranger from the woods and learn he is like no other tale that has ever been told… would you still have the courage to love him?

Rose has no time for romance because her father has passed away from an illness plaguing her small town, and now her mother has also contracted the illness, leaving Rose’s two younger siblings to be her responsibility. But when her best friend forces her to be young for a night and celebrate her twentieth birthday with a bonfire and friends, Rose meets a stranger from the woods, and Rose soon learns he is no stranger at all. In fact, this magical being is trying to keep her… alive.

Two bloods of one will bring down the shadows, to cast, no more..


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