Rosie’s #Bookreview Team #RBRT THE RED DOOR by Rosa Fedele @rosafedeleart #wwwblogs

Today’s team review is from Terry, she blogs at

Rosie's Book Review team 1

Terry has been reading The Red Door by Rosa Fedele


THE RED DOOR by Rosa Fedele

3.5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed by me as part of Rosie Amber’s Review Team

The main character in this dark mystery set in Australia is artist Maddie who has bought a mansion, ‘Rosalind’, letting out apartments to tenants. As she completes her renovations, she begins to have suspicions about the tenant in number three, who won’t let her in. This is all linked to some local murders that occurred in the 1950s. There are unanswered questions surrounding Maddie herself, too.

The book is illustrated by Ms Fedele, and these pictures are really lovely; I just wished my kindle was bigger so I could see them better. Honestly, they’re gorgeous. She’s a very good writer, too; her dialogue is realistic, sharp and often amusing (thank you for ‘blessed are the cheese makers!), with each character cleverly observed and clearly defined. I was immediately entertained by Maddie’s friends, unconventional Annie and bitchy, self-obsessed Monique, and tenant Mrs Hewitson; her dialogue was excellent. Maddie has a young friend, a schoolgirl called Claudia; there is intrigue surrounding her, and her apparently unpleasant family situation, from the beginning. There’s room for a secret love affair or two, as well…

Some of the writing is a real joy to read. The problem I had with the book is that it’s very disjointed, with new characters/situations/locations appearing every few pages. It switches between points of view without any introduction, as though the author had stuck in bits as she thought of them without any thought for structure. One minute I’d be reading from Maddie, in the first person, and then after just a tiny line of asterisks I’d find I was reading a third person conversation between Annie and Monique ABOUT Maddie, then it would be back to the main character in the first person talking to Jo about Monique and some other characters, then Birgitta would appear and talk about a lot of new people, and hang on, who are we with now? Oh, I see, it’s Claudia, in the third person, and some more names to remember…. if my eyes missed the tiny asterisks, as they did on occasion, I’d be left thinking, eh? What’s going on here?

Ms Fedele is clearly a very talented artist and writer; the plot’s clever, the writing is atmospheric, intelligent and sometimes quite beautiful—for this itself the book is worthy of 4.5 or 5*. The problem was that it was difficult to read, with such a confusing and jerky structure that I couldn’t enjoy it properly. If you can get past this it’s great, and the chopping and changing does lessen after the first third. It just needs planning out better and a really good edit to streamline and perhaps trim out some of the unnecessary information. Then, I think it would be the really terrific book it deserves to be.

Find a copy here from or


11 thoughts on “Rosie’s #Bookreview Team #RBRT THE RED DOOR by Rosa Fedele @rosafedeleart #wwwblogs

  1. Pingback: Rosie’s #Bookreview Team #RBRT THE RED DOOR by Rosa Fedele @rosafedeleart #wwwblogs | Defining Ways

  2. It’s difficult to pull off a story sometimes. From your review, it seems that the author tried and was successful in some parts of the book. Thanks for sharing, Terry! 🙂


    • Thanks, Linda and LCTC. I think the problem is, sometimes, that authors (particularly new ones) don’t do enough of the ‘letting the novel marinade, and reading it back a month later’ thing! Or just enough redrafting, full stop. Writing so that a book is as reader friendly as possible is something that comes with practice, I think


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