📚’A fascinating glimpse into Regency England’. @SandraFirth3 Reviews The Mysterious Disappearance by Mr Darcy by @Kellyrei007 for Rosie’s #BookReview Team #RBRT

Today’s team review is from Sandra.

Sandra blogs here https://www.firthproof.co.uk/index.php/book-reviews

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Rosie’s Book Review Team

Sandra has been reading The Mysterious Disappearance Of Mr Darcy by Kelly Miller.

Recently married to Fitzwilliam Darcy, after a whirlwind courtship in Ramsgate, Elizabeth is navigating her way through London society when her new husband suddenly disappears. Forced to turn detective, fend off Darcy’s scheming relatives, and ignore the malicious gossip, Elizabeth must overcome her insecurities and present a calm face to the outside world, while trying to find out what has happened to her husband.
Told solely from Elizabeth’s point of view, The Mysterious Disappearance of Mr Darcy uses Jane Austen’s iconic characters as a jumping-off point, offering an entertaining alternative while staying true to the original. Some characters, such as Georgiana Darcy, Mr and Mrs Gardiner, and Lady Catherine de Bourgh play a large part in the story, while others merely get a mention. Elizabeth’s dog, Rory, is a lovely addition to the narrative and a good way to break down barriers.

As a longtime fan of Jane Austen’s books I enjoyed this variation, but even if you had no previous knowledge this is still a fascinating glimpse into Regency England in its own right, and would appeal to anyone who loves a historical mystery. Well written and thoroughly researched, Kelly Miller keeps the reader guessing and repeatedly sends them off in the wrong direction. The ending is a complete surprise that I did not see coming.
I have not read any other books by this author, but I understand she has written many others in a similar vein and look forward to catching up with her back catalogue.

Book description:

What secrets lie in Mr. Darcy’s past?

During a summer sojourn in Ramsgate, Elizabeth Bennet meets Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy—an irresistible, eminent, and seemingly unobtainable model of an ideal gentleman. Following a whirlwind romance with Mr. Darcy and a blossoming friendship with Georgiana Darcy, her life is forever altered.

When Darcy disappears under mysterious circumstances, the new Mrs. Darcy’s world is thrown into chaos. A friend of Darcy’s provides much-needed support as Elizabeth is confronted with rumours insinuating lewd explanations for his absence. Could any of them be true?

In this Pride and Prejudice variation, a Regency mystery romance, Elizabeth cannot be certain what to believe or whom to trust. She is determined to find out what befell Darcy, but will the truth break her heart?

Trigger This story mentions a past assault on a young woman that is thwarted by a main character.

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