May Book Reviews For Fleet Life and EH Directory

Here are the books which made it to my magazine book review pages for the month of May.

For the online version of Fleet Life go to, click on the online directory, load and turn to page 32

May FL

Last Child by Terry Tyler

The Faerie Tree by Jane Cable

The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley

A Spell in Provence by Marie Laval

Back Behind Enemy Lines by Chris Bridge

For the online version of EH Directory go to, click on the online directory, load and turn to page 9

May Books EHD

The Gift Of Charms by Julia Suzuki

Two Rivers by Zoe Saadia

The Magic and Mystery of Birds by Noah Strycker

Death in a Dacron Sail by N.A Granger

Britannia Part II: The Watchmen by Richard Denham

The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley

The Last Dragon Slayer (Deathsworn Arc, #1)The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Last Dragon Slayer is high end fantasy and is the first book in the Deathsworn Arc series. It is about a quest to kill a Noble Dragon.

Saul Karza is a wizard and he is travelling with two men from the North, and a dwarf. They have been sent by the Empress Jade to put down a dragon. They are travelling through the land of Torea in search of Silus Mendelson, the last know dragon slayer in the hope he can help them and will join them. The Empress had no warriors, archers or mages to send with Saul instead he must rely on mercenaries.

They find Silus in the village of Trest, sadly he no longer leads the life of a respected hero, but with little else to do each day he reluctantly agrees to join the band. As they leave Trest, they rescue a Gravian or dark Elf who was just about to be be-headed. Dashing from the scene they hope to have escaped but they are followed and face the angry Berger and his men.

There future looks bleak until they are saved by Vashni an elf and a thief. She has magical skills and can whisper into minds when needed. She’s also a remarkable fighter. She decides to ride with the band and meet the dragon they must slay.

Together the band travel to Brunwelt to face the mighty dragon, they’ve become friends and a team whilst travelling and face the danger together. Just when they thought it over Saul tells them they must collect the dragon heart stones, powerful objects which will lead them on to their next adventure.

This is a well written book, with very good character descriptions and dialogue. Vashni quickly became the lead character with her lessons she taught Korhan. I would have liked to have seen more from Saul because he opened the book and was the leader. A couple of points became repetitive Kirkfell was the place everyone hoped to go in the afterlife, too many characters had the same line to say about it and I felt Vashni’s two attempts to decipher Braels’ curse were just a repeat of words the second time, there was a missed opportunity to drip feed us some more information about it.

This review is based on a free copy of the book given to me by the author.

Find a copy here from or

View all my reviews on Goodreads

Good Deeds Challenge Year 2 Week 47

Welcome to my second Year of Good Deeds, a challenge I set myself during April 2013. I decided to do at least one Good Deed a day for a whole year, now I am into my second year.

New Good DeedsThis week I’ve been doing the following;

March 8th –  A Very good friend’s birthday today, sent best wishes and will catch up in the week. Sent off my review of Breath Of The Titans. Good deeds received, I won a £10 Amazon gift voucher from a draw for book tour bloggers from Brook Cottage Books – Yay, guess what I’m off to buy!

March 9th – My morning volunteering at the local school, went for a lovely lunchtime walk and picked up litter. I’m reading The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley

March 10th – On my walk today I picked up a lottery scratch card which was dropped on the floor, was just about to throw it away when my inner voice told me to check it first and yes, it was a winning ticket! I shall be a couple of pounds better off now. Ate my lunch in the park and picked up more litter on the way home.

March 11th – Helped a lady who was in a wheelchair with some of her shopping today, and picked up litter. I’m reading Last Child by Terry Tyler.

March 12th – It’s Comic Relief Day tomorrow, so while I was in town today I bought a mad looking pen with money going towards the charity. Red Nose Day and Sport Relief together spend the money raised to tackle the root causes of poverty and social injustice in the UK and across the world. Picked up litter on my route to and from town. I’m reading Haunted by Maria Savva.

March 13th – Today I read Back Behind Enemy Lines by Chris Bridge a really good WW2 drama set in two parts, one in Normandy 1944 and the second in England 2006. Went for a quick walk, picked up litter.

March 14th – Visited my Mum with her Mother’s Day Gift and helped her out with several computer issues. Today I’m reading Crashing Into Love by Melissa Foster


Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT Noelle reviews The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley


Today we have a review from Noelle, she blogs at


Noelle chose to read and review The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley


The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley is the tale of a quest, book one of the Deathsworn Arc series. I’ll confess I do like fantasy, along the lines of The Game of Thrones (I’ve read every volume), The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.

This story has the some of the same basic elements of Lord of the Rings:: a quest, in this case given by the Empress of the land, to slay a Noble Dragon which threatens the northern border of her kingdom, in return for a reward of gold. The band of questers include Saul Karza, a wizard, whose pointed hat doesn’t emerge until facing the dragon; Korhan, son of Brian, a sellsword (sword for hire, if you are not into fantasy); Harald, son of Korvak, another a sellsword; a dwarf, Vortex, who is homeless, having been unable to reenter his home beneath the earth because of magic; Silus Mendelson, an old soldier who was the last man to slay a dragon; a dark elf called Brael the Truthseeker, who was bound by magic not to tell the truth; and the Lady Vashni, a mysterious elf who joins them on their way to the dragon’s lair.

The cover of this book is very evocative, and there are lovely illustrations at the end of the book of the  characters, with a brief description of each. I would suggest placing them at the beginning to help the reader identify them.

The story begins rather slowly, and I must admit it took me a bit before I got into the read, largely through the descriptions of the country as the band began its journey. There are the usual roadblocks along the way and you eventually get to know the characters, who are well limned. What changed the story for me was the appearance of Vashni, who has the ability to whisper, that is, to change the mind of the person to whom she whispers. Korhan finds himself enthralled with her beauty and her abilities, and agrees to be her Risine (here I use an s for an elvish rune; the author explains how to pronounce it). A Risine is the cross between an abject slave and a student, and Korhan finds himself not only serving her but being made to do demeaning things such as kissing her boot, while she teaches him how to strengthen his mind and improve his swordsmanship. It’s an interesting relationship, especially when she blinds and deafens him for period and then turns him into a vegetarian! Their relationship is strange and wondrous.

You do learn more about each character during the course of their journey, and their confrontation with the noble dragon is quite exciting. And there’s a twist at the end: did the Empress want them to slay the dragon just because it threatened the kingdom or is something else at play? Of course there is a sequel.

If there was one problem I found with the book, and I know this sounds picky, it was the lack of punctuation. I found myself having to reread sentences because I couldn’t figure out where one ended and the next began, if they did, or where to take a breath. Anytime I have to stop in a read for something like this, it takes me out of time and place.

In any event, it became a rollicking tale with enough swordplay and magic to keep younger readers enthralled. I did enjoy it, and I think this book will have wide appeal and develop a good following with the subsequent books.

Martyn Stanley lives near the Staffordshire/Cheshire border in England, with his long suffering wife and two small children. He’s always enjoyed epic fantasy novels, so it seems natural that he would write them. His ‘Deathsworn Arc’ is more than a hack and slash, swords and sorcery series; it examines, faith, companionship, morality, pragmatism and more. He writes that if the characters of ‘The Deathsworn Arc’ come across as strange, it’s partly because they’re intended to.


Find a copy here from or (free on kindle at time of publication)