May Book Reviews For Fleet Life and EH Directory

Here are the books which made it to my magazine book review pages for the month of May.

For the online version of Fleet Life go to, click on the online directory, load and turn to page 32

May FL

Last Child by Terry Tyler

The Faerie Tree by Jane Cable

The Last Dragon Slayer by Martyn Stanley

A Spell in Provence by Marie Laval

Back Behind Enemy Lines by Chris Bridge

For the online version of EH Directory go to, click on the online directory, load and turn to page 9

May Books EHD

The Gift Of Charms by Julia Suzuki

Two Rivers by Zoe Saadia

The Magic and Mystery of Birds by Noah Strycker

Death in a Dacron Sail by N.A Granger

Britannia Part II: The Watchmen by Richard Denham

A Spell In Provence by Marie Laval

A Spell in ProvenceA Spell in Provence by Marie Laval

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Spell in Provence is a romantic suspense set in Provence, France. Amy Carter has left her life in England and come to set up a hotel providing homemade organic food at Bellefontaine. During the purchasing stage the estate agent filled her in on the local stories which surround the house, local legend and some quite scary rumours yet it didn’t put her off.

On her very first day she meets local landowner Fabien Coste who runs Manoir Coste an upmarket hotel and whom the locals call Le Duc. He warns her of the hardships of setting up a hotel business with no experience at all, but he also offers his assistance and friendship.

Whilst clearing her garden Amy discovers a statue and calls in some archaeologists who find evidence of a Roman temple and the connection to the cult of Bona Dea. But Amy has run after run of bad luck and sinister experiences. Locals tell her it’s the curse surrounding her house and it’s connection to the Coste family.

When her opening party is sabotaged, guests leave early and Amy wakes up in her nightdress in the forest it’s time to find out more about the mysterious Goddess and an ancient Gallic tribe.

Lots of sinister events happen in this book to keep you on your toes.

View all my reviews on Goodreads

A Spell in Provence Tour Banner


With few roots in England and having just lost her job, Amy Carter decides to give up on home and start a new life in France, spending her redundancy package turning an overgrown Provençal farmhouse, Bellefontaine, into a successful hotel.

Though she has big plans for her new home, none of them involves falling in love – least of all with Fabien Coste, the handsome but arrogant owner of a nearby château.  As romance blossoms, eerie and strange happenings in Bellefontaine hint at a dark mystery of the Provençal countryside which dates back many centuries and holds an entanglement between the ladies of Bellefontaine and the ducs de Coste at its centre. As Amy works to unravel the mystery, she begins to wonder if it may not just be her heart at risk, but her life too.

See more at: or

Áccent Press.

MarieLaval (2)

Originally from Lyon in France, Marie studied History and Law at university there before moving to Lancashire in England where she worked in a variety of jobs, from PA in a busy university department to teacher of French in schools and colleges. Writing, however, was always her passion, and she spends what little free time she has dreaming and making up stories. Her historical romances ANGEL HEART and THE LION’S EMBRACE are published by MuseItUp Publishing. A SPELL IN PROVENCE is her first contemporary romance. It is published by Áccent Press.

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Good Deeds Challenge Year 2, Week 45

Welcome to my second Year of Good Deeds, a challenge I set myself during April 2013. I decided to do at least one Good Deed a day for a whole year, now I am into my second year.

New Good DeedsThis week I’ve been doing the following;

February 22nd – Today I’ve been reading Seventh Mark by W.J May a YA paranormal fantasy. I was going to visit my parents this afternoon and help out with a little computer issue, but when I went to get my car I found it really sick and unsafe to drive. I’ve sent a text to my friendly mechanic who I hope can get the car fixed early this week. No car will be a challenge but then I can do with out for a short while and get more reading done.

February 23rd – I finished reading The Cheesemaker’s House by local author Jane Cable today. My car fell sick and was taken away to be mended, Good deeds received, the mechanic feed up some time and got my car back on the road this afternoon.

February 24th – I’m reading Two Rivers by Zoe Saadie. Got a new book in the post today.

February 25th – Collected up boxes and bags for the relatives who are soon moving house, so that they can start sorting their items, offered to help when they need it.

February 26th – I’m reading The Thing with feathers by Noah Strycker, a non-fiction book looking at our feathered friends.

February 27th – Tipped my hairdresser who did a marvellous job of tidying my mop of hair. Giving a friend some help with Twitter.

February 28th – Hosting a sleepover this evening for a birthday celebration. Am reading A Spell In Provence by Marie Laval