BEACON by Chess Desalls Book #2 Lantern series #YA #Fantasy Novella @Chessdesalls

Beacon (Lantern #2)Beacon by Chess Desalls
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beacon is book #2 of the Lantern series of young adult fantasy short stories. I read book #1 as part of the Darkness Echoes Halloween anthology in 2015.

Havenbrim is a medieval style village in Llum. Serah Kettel has been thrown out of her family home, and seeks an apprenticeship with Master Machin, a celestial mechanic and glazier. His home is filled with strange lanterns which glow with magical light. Serah’s job is to dust the lanterns and to work out a puzzle: just how does the light get in?

With the help of moonlight, Serah discovers herself inside a globe in a far off land. This place is very strange for Serah and she’s not sure this is where her future lies. She uses a magical doorway to return home, but much time has passed since she left.

Book #1 left many questions about Master Machin, some were answered here, although, with the length of the story, there are plenty more questions left unsolved. For myself I wanted a deeper storyline to sink my teeth into and more character explanation, however I am aware that I am reading a book intended for the YA market.

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Book Description

When Serah’s life in Havenbrim becomes unbearable, she accepts an apprenticeship with a celestial mechanic and glazier. Her master assigns her the task of opening a globe framed in copper. But the glass and seal are unbreakable. The solution to the puzzle traps Serah inside the globe, and transports her to a world where she longs for home.

About the author

Chess Desalls

Chess Desalls is the author of the YA time travel series, The Call to Search Everywhen. She’s a longtime reader of fantasy and sci-fi novels, particularly classics and young adult fiction. Her nonfiction writing has led to academic and industry publications. She’s also a contributing editor for her local writing club’s monthly newsletter. The California Writers Club, South Bay branch, has awarded two of Chess’ stories first place for best short fiction. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys traveling and trying to stay in tune on her flute.

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