🌼Mid-Summer In My Hampshire Garden For This Week’s #SixOnSaturday Meme. #GardeningTwitter #GardeningAddict

The morning of rainfall on Thursday was very welcome after two weeks of dry. Temperatures also fell by a few degrees this past week and it has been more bearable to get a bit of gardening done.

Let’s take a look at the first three photos:

Sitting on the bee swarm box (which has yet to attract a swarm) is just one of the many pots of Nasturtium (That’s what you get when you sow almost all the packet of seed!). I have grown: Alaska Mixed, Empress Of India, Gleaming Gold, Jewel Cheery Rose, Jewel Mixed and Trailing Mixed. Photo two’s focus is on Ranunculus which are new to the garden this year. I like the multi-colours of it and have it in two other areas as well. The third photo is of the large white Hebe which is popular with the bees.

The next set of three start with some Verbascum grown from seed last year and flowering in its second year. It was quite a challenge to get the plant to maturity in year one and I had many failures. The second photo is of cornflowers, also grown originally from seed. The final photo is of a wonderful Harebell which may be from seed or a cutting. I tried both and can’t remember where I planted them🤔

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


The Sunday series of Enchanting gardens is going well, tomorrow we visit TopDock and his garden in Alabama. Catch up with previous posts here:

Fred and his garden in Normandy, France here.

Sarah and her Australian garden here.

Páraig and his Irish garden here.

Selwa and her Belgium garden here.

Amelia and her garden in Florida here.

Kate and her garden in Finland here.

36 thoughts on “🌼Mid-Summer In My Hampshire Garden For This Week’s #SixOnSaturday Meme. #GardeningTwitter #GardeningAddict

  1. Your plants look really smart up against the dark fencing! I’ve not planted Harebell, but they show up anyway 😀 You might find they will also start showing up in random places – the wind carries the seeds pretty far sometimes.
    I grew up calling cornflowers, bachelor buttons – quite common to see them in fields, verges, etc. Of course in Finland, since corn is not the staple field crop, those flowers appear throughout the RYE fields and thus are called rye flowers here! Either way, I’ve always liked the bright blue color. This year I started some from seed in both pink and dark burgundy. They are great. Sure hope they reseed themselves in all the places I planted them. Have yourself a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s all looking lovely. Your nasturtiums are well ahead of mine. I’m growing Jewel Mixed this year. Have a good weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Harriet, the Nasturtiums were a trial and error thing. I got excited about them and planted them way too early, with an 80% germination rate in just 4 days in around February! Ever since I have been juggling them like a hot potato to keep them alive!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I am a huge nasturtium fan also. I grow tip top Alaska, but used to grow jewel mix and what I love about jewel mix is how you get so many color variations in the reseeds. My nasties have not come up this year, so maybe I should replant… We just got some light rain this morning. I hope we get more – so dry here. I actually watered the back lawn last night, more for the insects than the grass – I thought if I at least moisten things after dark, if we did get rain, it would soak in better. Off to the farmers market!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I can sense the triumph with those successes from your sowings. Whether they flower the same year or take a couple of seasons, plants grown from scratch are also special.

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  5. I usually have rampant nasturtiums in my herb bed and I am sure I planted some new ones last year, but there is little sign of them this. Weird. I do rather like their wayward ways.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think in future nasturtium need planting only about a week before I need them! They grew so fast it was incredible, they outgrew pots a couple of times, I moved them from the house to the greenhouse, but a frost nipped at them, so they returned to the house. Then they got sunburnt when we had a holiday, so I am lucky they survived as they did. The Verbascum too patience, but I am pleased with it now.


  6. Pretty photos! 🌸💞 Is a bee swarm box the same as a bee hive? The rannunculus are very pretty, you have them quite late, mine are more a spring delight. The tall campanulas are my favourite! 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh, well done for getting a Verbascum established! I have never managed it myself and have only had a ‘weedy’ looking one crop up once! Lovely harebell too. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful Nasturtiums! Aren’t they fun? I usually plant some, but never got around to sowing the seed this spring. I think you have inspired me to go search out some Nasturtium seed and start some. All of your flowers look top-notch.

    Thank you for the note you left on FG this morning about being your guest for a garden tour. I truly appreciate that. No- I didn’t see your invitation on the ‘contact form.’ Thank you for following up, because I would have responded right away if Id seen it.
    At the moment, I need to ask you for a ‘rain check’ to perhaps reconsider again later. This isn’t a good time for me to participate. I’m honored that you would even consider inviting me, however. There are so many wonderful gardens highlighted on S on S that you will find many other interesting candidates for your series.

    Kindest regards- WG, aka ‘Elizabeth’

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