Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT Chris reviews My Grandfather’s Eyes by Bev Spicer


Today we have a review from team member Chris,


Chris chose to read and review My Grandfather’s Eyes by Bev Spicer


My Grandfather’s Eyes is an interesting read, drawing you into the life of an extremely unlikeable protagonist and her equally unlikeable family and friends.

Alex Crane is scheming, uncaring and lacking a conscience. The moles on her face are cited as the reason for her disdain for almost everyone and everything, but her self-centred and calculating nature have a deeper cause. When faced with news of her husband’s death, all Alex worries about is what he told the doctors. When faced with the past, all Alex cares about is the elusive Lizzy. And when faced with her family, all Alex cares about is uncovering the family secret that has laid buried, regardless of the consequences.

The book juxtaposes two strands of Alex’s life, so that her childhood days are weaved into the story set in the present. The language is rich, the point of view intimate, the characters intriguing and the plot wholesome. The author has managed to create an obnoxious, selfish character that’s both believable and engaging. Unfortunately, the pacing of the story was too slow for me, which made my reading experience less enjoyable than I would have hoped and so I can only give it a 3* rating. But if you enjoy slow-burners, please don’t let me put you off.

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