📚’The descriptive passages of the environment make it a fulfilling read.’ @LizanneLloyd Reviews #Mystery Retreat From Nuala by @harrietsteel1 #TuesdayBookBlog

Today’s team review is from Liz.

Liz blogs here https://lizannelloyd.wordpress.com/

Orange rose and Rosie's Book Review Team
Rosie’s Book Review Team

Liz has been reading Retreat From Nuala by Harriet Steel.

Inspector de Silva has been given a well-earned break, but he is unsure about Jane’s idea of a Buddhist retreat up in the mountains. Despite the long hike from the parking spot to the monastery he is happy to find it is a beautiful spot and although he doesn’t join his wife in yoga classes, he finds meditation worthwhile. But a detective can never rest. An ancient manuscript left by a previous guest prior to his death has been stolen so all the present visitors are suspects and even the monks are included in Shanti’s investigations.

The day to day running of the monastery is efficiently organised by a young monk called Soma who has welcomed them, but the guests are not impressed by the boring food so mealtimes are not as restful for Shanti and Jane. One guest, Madeleine, is a successful novelist and Jane enjoys her acerbic wit and Arthur Wallender, a retired vicar, seems jolly, but the young couple, Alec and Belinda, are frequently quarrelling.

It is good to see Jane taking an active part in the investigations and she makes some revealing comments about her experience of responses to her “mixed” marriage by members of the colonial society in which they live in Nuala.
There may be less dramatic action in this volume but the examination of human psychology and the descriptive passages of the environment make it a fulfilling read.

4 stars

Book description:

Shanti and Jane de Silva’s peaceful retreat at a mountain monastery rapidly turns into something far more challenging when they become involved in the search for a stolen ancient manuscript that is reputed to have the power to shake Christianity to its foundations.As they investigate their fellow guests and the monks themselves, the mystery seems as impenetrable as mountain mist – until events take a deadly turn. Will they succeed in bringing the truth to light?The Inspector de Silva Mysteries are vintage-style mysteries set on the exotic island of Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka) in the 1930s and 40s. Perfect for fans of Death in Paradise, Murder in Provence, and Midsomer Murders.

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One thought on “📚’The descriptive passages of the environment make it a fulfilling read.’ @LizanneLloyd Reviews #Mystery Retreat From Nuala by @harrietsteel1 #TuesdayBookBlog

  1. Thanks, Liz. It sounds like another great book in the series. I keep meaning to catch up with it, but I’ll have to find plenty of time if I want to read all of them! Thanks, Rosie!

    Liked by 1 person

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