🌺Marching Through The Month. Spring Flowers In My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

After missing last Saturday (snowy weather that pressed pause in my garden) we are back with more of a seasonal selection of flowers.

Looking around this week, the daffodils are making up for lost time and the recent rains have spruced the ground up making everything look a lot healthier.

The first photo is of ‘new to this garden,’ Tête á Tête. I have been waiting patiently for them to appear and then these popped up when I wasn’t looking!

Second photo goes to this lovely purple Hellebore. Of course all the flowers are facing down and impossible to photograph without a little handy help!

Third photo is one of several emerging Hyacinths.

Fourth photo is of some mauve Polyanthus, I always think that these are from a cross breed of Primroses and Polyanthus as they all grow together, but I’m not sure.

Fifth photo is of the more common Daffodil. Mine are quite late this year, compared to other gardens.

Sixth picture goes to the Camellia which is now full of blooms.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


35 thoughts on “🌺Marching Through The Month. Spring Flowers In My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningMakesMeHappy

  1. Tête-à-tête is so cute! I have it in my garden too and as it’s quite early it’s always a joy to see it. It’s uplifting to see your spring flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such pretty little jewels of flowers! I enjoy seeing everyone’s photos of their primulas because they are so pretty and dainty and I can’t really grow them here! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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