Good Deeds Challenge Year 2, Week 33

Welcome to my second Year of Good Deeds, a challenge I set myself during April 2013. I decided to do at least one Good Deed a day for a whole year, now I am into my second year.

New Good DeedsThis week I’ve been doing the following;

November 30th – The Last day of the Mystery November book tour and out guest today was Ethel Lewis and her book Twilight Images.

Am working with Terry Tyler to gather some more genuine book reviewers for the review team. Creating more pictures for my Tweets about my book reviews as visual aids really do help.

December 1st – My morning helping at school listen to children reading.

December 2nd – Just sorting out the post for the books that I have featured in two local magazines, the online version for one has a glitch so can’t post about it yet. Am reading Twisted Wire by Ray Stone.

December 3rd – So busy on the blog, a diary malfunction means I have 4 posts going out today and tomorrow with book reviews, book review team posts, a guest author piece and my Fleet Life and EHDirectory post. We are off out for tea tonight for the oldest to help her friend prepare for a theory driving test, then I’m meeting up later with another group of friends for dinner. Will be passing on books I’ve read for others to enjoy.

December 4th – Just adding new reviewers to the team today, hopefully we can get through more of the books we have on our list. Have started filling my 2015 diary with book review slots today.

December 5th – Signed up to help fellow authors promote some of their books. Today I did a book cover for Charles Yallowitz who has a new fantasy book out on December 12th. I shall also be helping Barb Taub soon, plus I’ve taken on 5 new books to review for Brook Cottage in the New Year.

December 6th – A quiet day today. Posted a couple of book reviews for the book review team and pointed another author in the direction of the blog where he can decide if he wants to add his book to the team list. Trying to get a book finished today but got side-tracked by a re-run of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Seen the film loads of times but will always watch any of them again and again. Planning a Harry Potter film day once the Christmas holidays start.

11 thoughts on “Good Deeds Challenge Year 2, Week 33

  1. Have you read Mrs Lather’s Laundry by Allan Ahlberg, Rosie?
    Your shining example of a week reminded me of it. The only quiet day for Mrs L was Sunday, when the laundry was closed!


  2. Hi Rosie – it’s great what you do for others and I’m sure the authors are all extremely happy to have you on their side. Glad you can relax with Harry! cheers and a happy build up to Christmas .. and I sure hope the theory driving test was/will be passed ..

    Happy and busy week ahead – Hilary


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