Alchemist Gift by Mark Giglio

Alchemist GiftAlchemist Gift by Mark Giglio

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Alchemist Gift gives the reader good value for their money at approximately 450 pages long. The story is primarily set in Renaissance Italy and Bavaria with a secondary minor setting of current day San Diego.

The book has a large cast of characters who are all introduced in fine flowing detail, many of who appear in several different time scales as the stories jump back and forth during proceedings.

A dream scene opens the book with a piazza full of people gathering for a town event. We then meet Roland Hughes in present day San Diego, a twenty-eight year old perpetual student drifting through life unsure of his true role. Supported by life-long friend Liz, Roland fails to see that his lethargy to life and love is losing him a future with Liz.

Back in medieval Italy several innocent girls are being accused of witch-craft, until a storm saves them from burning and a miracle occurs. The story then follows many of the characters in tales of their lives, struggles and loves. A special cabinet is made from wood which is believed to have magical qualities. Approximately 600 years later in San Diego Roland finds an alchemist cabinet which transports him in time to the Renaissance era where he is coerced into the life of an alchemist and the ultimate prize to turn lead into Gold.

I enjoyed reading the alchemy parts in the book, but I didn’t connect with Roland’s character. I also found myself struggling to keep pace with all the characters and the level of their importance to the storylines. The book does offer family trees at the back which could perhaps be placed earlier for an e-version.

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Good Deeds Challenge Year 2, Week 28

Welcome to my second Year of Good Deeds, a challenge I set myself during April 2013. I decided to do at least one Good Deed a day for a whole year, now I an into my second year.

New Good DeedsThis week I’ve been doing the following;

October 26th – Posted a guest author piece for new author Mark Giglio. Spent all day getting lost in Moscow Bound by Adrian Churchward a mystery set in Moscow and very good.

October 27th – Posted my review of Moscow Bound and began reading Restless Spirits by Kathy Bryson

October 28th – Driving test day today for my eldest, so we were all on tender hooks, bought flowers for her instructor praying for a pass. Yay she did it! Fab book review today with a great picture gallery of Back Packs and Bra Straps, Savannah Grace’s second book about her family backpacking around some beautiful and eye-opening parts of the world.

October 29th – Walked into town and picked up litter on both legs of my journey.

October 30th – There are big celebrations of the war veterans this year with the anniversary of the start of WWI. The annual Poppy appeal is getting extra support and I bought my own poppy today and gave to the poppy appeal charity.

October 31st – Cleared leaves from a shared pathway and spent a little time out in the warm autumn afternoon. Gearing up for the start of the mystery November book tour tomorrow.

November 1st – Mystery November is off with Joanne Phillips and her book Murder at the Maples. We have this awesome imaginary tour bus covered in my orange roses going all over the world each day to pick up the tour authors. Overnight Saturday I magically drove from the UK to Texas making sure I didn’t fall asleep and end up on the Grand Prix race track in Austin. The bus is picking up Della Connor for Sunday’s book Spirit Warriors: The Scarring.

Guest Author Mark Giglio

Please welcome Mark Giglio to the blog as he talks about his book Alchemist Gift.
Book description.
Time Travel to the Age of Alchemy. Alchemist Gift is an historical novel set in the present day and Renaissance Italy and Bavaria. The story is one of lost love, self-realization and redemption told through the relationships of five different love stories as the book unfolds. There is an element of spiritual fantasy in the novel, grounded in, let’s just say miraculous occurrences along with a light peppering of just good old unexplainable magic.
Mark Giglio Interview
1)      Where is your home town?
I was born in Troy, New York .I have been a California resident since 1959.
2)      Tell us what genres Alchemist Gift fits into, I believe it is adult rated too?
The genres would include Historical Fiction, Magical Realism, Spirituality, Elements of Romance, a bit of Renaissance style Sci-Fi, and a touch of time travel.
3)      How long did it take you to write?
A little over three years to complete the novel. It started out as a screen play that evolved into the novel.
4)      What was the one idea which sparked off the book?
I was inspired by a piece of art furniture I made, the Alchemist Cabinet, that you can see at
5)      Introduce us to some of the characters in your stories.
Roland Hughes is the hapless protagonist and a noncommittal grad student in his late twenties . Rene Hermes is a court physician in hiding and an alchemist. Sofia is Rene’s foundling daughter and Roland’s unrequited love interest. Lady Rosanera, is a fem fatale and tragic figure and the other leg of the Roland-Rosanera-Sofia love triangle.  Cesare Lippo master furniture maker and philosopher (could that be me?) along with Marcella Andano are the father and mother of Sofia. There are many more colorful characters who populate the Italian and Bavarian countryside.
6)      Which story is your favourite and why?
I think my most favorite section of the book to write was the engagement feast scene at Casa Bella Villa. It is quite a gastronomic extravaganza, along with pomp and circumstance and a coming of age for Rosalba, Rosanera’s mother.
7)      Tell us about your favourite part of the research for this book.
I have always had a love of nature and often wondered about the birds and plants that appear in Medieval and Renaissance paintings. It was satisfying to study the medieval and Renaissance symbolism concerning the natural world, such as birds, trees, and flowers and find out what they mean.
8)      Have you written any other books?
I’ve written a few children’s books pretty much for my kids and their families. Also a few  abandoned novels from the distant pass that shall remain in their dusty little realms. (thank God I knew when to jump ship).  I am working on the next installment of the Alchemist series called “Curious Journey.” Some of  the same characters make appearances. The new novel deals with a spiritual journey, redemption and personal peace.
9)      Tell us about your book launch party that you are holding today.
The party was fun. Family, friends and well wishers joined us for a great feast. We are planning another party on December 20, 2014 (a Winter Solstice Weekend).  We’ll have more food, fun, art, and readings from Alchemist Gift and other poets who will attend. We will be able to communicate with our viewers via the internet during the party.  Be on the lookout for more details and join us.
10)   Where else can readers find out more about you and your book?
The novel’s website is  and for personal correspondence,
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