Rosie’s Review-A-Book Challenge #RRABC – Those All Important Star Ratings! #TuesdayBookBlog

Terry kindly agreed to tell us how she chooses to rate the books that she reads.

As part of Rosie’s Review-A-Book Challenge #RRABC, we continue our week of advice posts. See the link at the bottom of the page for details of the challenge and where you can sign up for a free book in exchange for a review.
Book Reviews: How do I choose the star rating?
Here is a basic guide to what they mean to me, and what they signify to readers.
Some reviewers give lots of 5* reviews, for any book they liked, to be kind to the author.  Others are more discerning; it’s up to you, but for your reviews to be authentic, it’s best that the star rating reflects your true feelings.  I only give 5* if I can honestly say ‘I loved it’.  As it’s not possible to go higher than 5*, I think it is best to award this rating only if you found the book truly memorable.  It doesn’t have to be great literature; it might be a zombie novella or even a short story, but if it left you wanting more, you would recommend it without hesitation and would be happy to read it again – that’s your 5*!
4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I use four stars in two different ways.  The first is when I enjoyed a book, enough to say, yes, it was good, I’d recommend it, though it wasn’t one of my absolute favourites.  The second is the objective viewpoint: when it didn’t suit my personal preferences, but I can see that it’s very good of its type, with a great plot, characters that come alive, a good pace, a great structure, etc.  For instance, a historical novel that is more romance-orientated than I had hoped; I am not keen on romance.  So I might think, well, it wasn’t really my sort of thing, but I can see that lovers of the genre would adore it.
3 ⭐⭐⭐
I look on the 3* rating as a combination of positive and negative.  I might give this rating for a story that is basically well-written but the plot needs more thinking through, or for a great book that needs a serious edit or proofread.  It could mean a terrific plot, but one-dimensional characters that you never grew to care about, or for a story that didn’t live up to the promise of the blurb and first few chapters.  For those ‘I quite liked it, but…’ books!
2 ⭐⭐
Most people use 2* for books that they didn’t like, although they weren’t awful; there were aspects that you liked or could be worked on.  They might be not ready for publication (badly edited or proofread), or have dull writing, an unconvincing plot, unrealistic dialogue – or they might simply be rather boring, and fail to grab your attention.
1 ⭐
Generally, a 1* book is one you consider truly dreadful, and would only continue reading if you had to, or out of appalled fascination.

If you’d like to read more about Rosie’s Review-A-Book Challenge #RRABC click here

Tomorrow Georgia will be giving advice about how to write a review for a non-fiction book.


Wednesday Wing – What do those #Bookreview Star Ratings Mean? #wwwblogs

Wednesday Wing brings you tips and notes on a range of book related items.

Rosie's Notebook

Last week we brought you some simple easy to use book review templates to get the new reviewer under way

Today we’re going to look at the world of Book Review Star Ratings. I’d like to Thank Terry Tyler for her valuable input with this post.

The star rating of a book is so important, as it can make the difference between a ‘buy’ or a ‘pass’ for a potential reader. The star average is important for authors, too, if they are approaching book promotion sites.

But what does each star rating mean? Just to make it nice and confusing, on Amazon and Goodreads the stars actually mean slightly different things, and although most book bloggers have their own system (often stated on their blog), it’s as well to be aware of what the ratings mean on these sites.

Amazon Rating


Goodreads Rating


Many reviewers feel the bands between the stars are too wide and introduce their own breakdowns within these, awarding a 3.5 stars or a 4.5 stars etc. Then they might round up or down, depending on how they feel about the book. This is common practice these days and quite useful, if you feel a book is, for instance, better than a 3* but not quite up to a 4*. You can state the variation at the top of the review on Amazon and Goodreads.

If you have a blog and want to use your own system of star ratings, it’s best to display it clearly on your blog, so that readers know what you mean by those four stars for instance. Then, you can translate this to Amazon and Goodreads as you see fit. It’s important to be consistent, if you can, so that readers know what you mean by each rating.

Here’s a dilemma reviewers often face: what if a book is good, well written and researched, perfectly presented, with excellent characterisation, but just didn’t ‘float your boat’, maybe because it’s outside your favourite genre range, or was a much more gently paced book than you prefer? You have two options here, and it’s really up to you:

  • Award the stars according to your own reading experience only.
  • Bear in mind that readers who love this genre might adore it, and rate it according to its merit in that area of the market.

You can always qualify the rating with the wording in the review itself; for instance, ‘this book was a little slow for me and too romance orientated, but I think lovers of the genre will adore it.’

The most important thing is to be honest; you only have to browse Amazon to see reviews saying ‘I bought this book because of all its 5* reviews, but it’s full of grammatical errors and typos’. But don’t get in too much of a sweat over it; one man’s meat is another man’s poison. A book you consider a 5* unputdownable gem might be quite mediocre to someone else. Also, because the 5* system is so limiting, a 3* rating can mean anything from a fairly good book (‘I liked it’ on Goodreads) to something with much potential for improvement.

Ultimately, many reviewers award stars by ‘feel’. Does this book say 5* to you? It’s very important, too, not to feel pressured. If you’re a blogger who takes in review requests, your blog should make writers aware that you review honestly. It’s not unheard of for writers to hassle book bloggers to change their star rating, but please don’t succumb to this, if it happens to you. The way to make your book blog worth reading is to make it authentic.

Above all, it’s your choice, and don’t forget that every single reader will read a book differently!

One important point to make: don’t forget that on Amazon you are reviewing THE PRODUCT. Not the delivery time, or Amazon customer service, or indeed the writer. I’ve seen books given 1* simply because the customer had trouble downloading the book! This can reflect badly on the author.


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