📚Medieval Adventures. Rosie’s #BookReview Of She Serves The Realm by Lee Swanson.

She Serves the Realm (No Man is Her Master Book 4)She Serves the Realm by Lee Swanson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

She Serves The Realm is book four of the No Man Is Her Master series of medieval adventures.

Christina is masquerading as her brother Frederick Kohl; she is firstly a merchant and secondly a knight in the court of Edward II of England. In this story Edward has Christina chasing around England on his behalf, as he fights with the barons over taxations and his beloved friend the Earl of Cornwall.

Christina is also sent to the continent escorting the Earl into exile while she trades in wool and wine. All this she does out of loyalty to the king and in hopes that he will permit her marriage, as Frederick, to a certain royal lady-in-waiting.

This is the first book that I have read in this series; it was obvious that I had missed out on some of Christina’s background. The complicated historical details of the era were dealt with well. But it was the details about the Hanseatic league of trading merchants that I found most interesting and I could easily have read more about this. However, it may well have been covered more thoroughly in previous books in the series.

There’s an affectionate romance for Christina, but I felt it slowed the story and became a bit unbelievable at times. Give me the history of the day with all the fear and fighting, and I would have been just as happy.

View all my reviews on Goodreads

Book Description:

The epic saga of Christina Kohl continues in the fourth novel in the No Man is Her Master series, She Serves the Realm.At the conclusion of Her Dangerous Journey Home, Christina Kohl learns of the death of Sir Edgar Baldewyne, the boorish and abusive husband of her beloved Lady Cecily. At last free to marry, Christina and Cecily lack only the permission of the king to fulfill their heart’s fondest desire. This seems only a modest hurdle, as they both enjoy his favor. But in the turbulent times of Edward II’s reign, he is much more concerned with making use of Christina’s considerable talents than in bringing happiness to her life.In She Serves the Realm, Christina is torn from her merchant trade and the woman she loves to become an officer of the king. She is placed in ever-growing danger as civil war seems all but inevitable; the Lords Ordainers demanding the banishment of the Earl of Cornwall, King Edward just as adamant to retain Gaveston by his side. Complicating matters further is the always present peril of her disguise being discovered, revealing her not to be Sir Frederick Kohl, but in actuality a woman.With her mentor and friend Herr Ziesolf no longer by her side, Christina finds herself devoid of her staunchest ally. But she is not left to fight alone; the irreverent Reiniken, erstwhile Jost, and noble Sir Giles join her on her adventures, as well as others both old and new to the readers of the series.Can Christina succeed in the tasks King Edward sets before her, winning the right to claim Lady Cecily as her bride? And what of Piers Gaveston; can Christina somehow save him from his enemies, and even himself? Rein your palfrey beside Christina’s Pearl and join her as She Serves the Realm.

Expected publication June 11th.

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