🌞Weight Loss Wednesday: Diaries Of A Middle Aged Woman. Week 4 #Health #Life #LifeStyle #WomensHealth

📢Join me for another week of thoughtful rambling! Sit down and take the weight off of your feet, we’ve got something to talk about.

This is my third week talking about how I am currently reducing much of the weight that I gained during the menopause and the Covid lockdowns. Catch up with previous posts: Week 1 here, week 2 here and week 3 here.

In previous posts I’ve talked about reaching and maintaining 10000 steps a day, adding in 30 minutes on an exercise bike and seriously looking at and changing my diet. My first blog post today featured Weight Wisdom by Alan Jackson while reading this book for review purposes I found it was a big help in my plans. It also inspired me to try fasting.

There are all sorts of fasting style suggestions which you’ll find all over social media. Author Alan and his wife successfully each week from their evening meal on a Wednesday to Friday lunchtime. In between they eat sensibly but without too many other restrictions. I could contemplate that long a fast, especially when starting, so I tried a shorter time. From my evening meal on a Wednesday to Thursday lunchtime. I considered that for many of those hours I would be asleep, so that would be a bonus! I also made sure that I was really busy on a Thursday morning.

Most people skip breakfast at some point in their life, so this style of fasting was pretty easy to implement. I like the idea that fasting gives the body a mini holiday from all the processing of foods and gives it time to rebalance. It aligned well with my other weight loss plans and together they were all working to keep the needle on the scales moving downwards.

My results: I began my weight loss plans at the end of May and by the end of November I had reduced my weight by 22lbs (10kg). I have clothes that fit again, I’m making better food choices, I enjoy walking everyday and I am hoping that I am in a healthier place. Weight loss when you are older is harder than in younger years. I’m really pleased that I made it this far and found it possible to achieve.

What about you? Do you have any success stories to share?

16 thoughts on “🌞Weight Loss Wednesday: Diaries Of A Middle Aged Woman. Week 4 #Health #Life #LifeStyle #WomensHealth

  1. That’s amazing, Rosie – well done! 22lbs is really impressive. This is something I definitely need to do. I’ve just starting running again and walking the dogs every day helps. Christmas might be tricky though! Everything in moderation, I suppose 🙂

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  2. Oh, well done Rosie. I struggle with just a couple of kilos! But I also put weight on in the lockdown year – about 5 or 6 kg. I managed to lose it again within a year by missing out lunch and snacks. But I have to be vigilant as the pounds creep back when I am not looking!

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  3. Congratulations on getting fitter and your weight loss. I’m struggling to lose weight (about 14pounds) that I put on because of lockdown. I walk everyday but haven’t managed to do all the other exercise (exercise bike and weights) I regularly used to do. Since having covid earlier this year, all my energy seems to have disappeared!

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  4. my husband had to have a stent installed in a clogged artery – this is a very good way of getting your attention to change your diet. We cut back to 17 grams of saturated fat a day. We both lost about 30 lbs over a period of two years. I could not do fasting.

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  5. I never miss breakfast, if I do I get low blood sugar and feel faint. I am glad you are having such good success with weight loss. Michael has lost 29 kilos in about 16 months and it is hard, especially if you are a comfort eater. I am the opposite and struggle to eat if I am upset or stressed. I have to force myself so I don’t yet faint, no point in that during a crisis

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