🌞Weight Loss Wednesday: Diaries Of A Middle Aged Woman. Week 3 #Health #Life #LifeStyle #WomensHealth

📢Join me for another week of thoughtful rambling! Sit down and take the weight off of your feet, we’ve got something to talk about.

This is my third week talking about how I am currently reducing much of the weight that I gained during the menopause and the Covid lockdowns. You can read week 1’s post here, and catch up with week 2’s post here.

Last week I spoke about completing 10000 steps a day. This is a goal which works for me and that’s important in the long run, it’s no good starting a health plan if you won’t be able to keep it going. I read up on the best ways for over 50s to keep healthy; walking, swimming and cycling were the top three. Now I’m not a swimmer, so I was left with the other two options. Walking was no problem and it helps that I have parks, woodland, a canal towpath and streets that I can safely walk in any time of the year. My favourite place is out walking alone in the woods. It helps to clear my mind and I have lots of time for thinking.

I do a little cycling around the woods and lanes, often no more than 30 minutes, but I’m not that committed to it. However, I thought that I could commit to a daily 30 minute session on an exercise bike. I thought it was worth the investment and I actually find that I can read while I cycle which is great. So now I was walking and cycling.

Next I had another look into my diet, with the plan to see what sugar items I could cut. When I started reading food labels for the sugar content, I got a few surprises. Out went the shop brand super granola; I now mix my own seeds, nuts and oats for breakfast. The branded seeded bread that I had 2 slices per day, was replaced by bread I now make in my bread maker. I’m not a regular tea or coffee drinker anyway, but I was into Horlicks, this I swapped for extra fruit teas. I already made batches of vegetable soup for my lunch, but I would have it with a big sandwich. I changed the sandwich to 1 slice of homemade wholemeal bread and a green leafed salad. If I want a treat, I now make a no sugar, wholemeal banana loaf. However, it is hard to cut all sugar, instead I try to swap sugar for honey where I can.

I note a comment from Terry, on last week’s post, where she recommended cutting sugar and carbs to help weight loss. Thank you Terry.

Next week, I’ll talk about how the weight loss is going and my experiments with fasting.

What about you, do you have any sugar reducing tips? Have you tried any fasting techniques that work for you?

12 thoughts on “🌞Weight Loss Wednesday: Diaries Of A Middle Aged Woman. Week 3 #Health #Life #LifeStyle #WomensHealth

  1. Sounds like great progress. I try to do 10k steps a day and avoid alcohol and sugar. Your post would go down very well in my blog link-up (weekly, live for 6 days each Weds). The readers are mid life women.

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  2. Hi Rosie! Sounds like you have a great plan. I remember Dr Michael Moseley suggesting swapping fruit for sugar in his Just One Thing podcast (Swap Out Sugar episode). It has some surprising other benefits that are quite motivational! Good luck!

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  3. I’m impressed you can do 10k steps a day – that is quite a time comittment. I tried 5,000 a day thinking I would build up to about 7k but haven’t been very good at doing it consistently. Some days I do 6k others only 3k – it’s really hard to motivate yourself when the rain is lashing!!!

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    • Thank you. I understand! It has to work for you. I can build it into walking to the shops, walking to town, walking to met a friend – often for a walk! I also have a good variety of easy access routes. As it really clears my head space and allows me thinking time, I look forward to my walks, so that helps to get me out even on a rainy day. I can do the distance in an hour and and half comfortably, but that’s me, others will find their own groove.


  4. I love that you’re doing these posts. I have also gained a lot of weight over the COVID period and am in pre-menopause. I’m really struggling to lose the weight, but I know I am also not doing all the work that needs to be done. This is very motivating. I’ve started tracking steps and realized how inactive I really was. Now I just have to get up and do something about it.

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    • Thank you. Tracking steps is a good start. I also took note of how often I sat down and what I did while sitting. Keep moving is a useful motto! I am reading an ARC of Odd Mom Out by (Canadian author) Sandy Day, this is about a woman who wants to lose weight. It is a fun read. I might be able to help get a review copy if it interests you, let me know.

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