🌞Weight Loss Wednesday: Diaries Of A Middle Aged Woman. #Health #Life #LifeStyle #WomensHealth

📢Sit down, take the weight off of your feet, we’ve got something to talk about.

Why read this? It felt the right time to talk. Each time I meet friends of a similar age to me, our topics are filled with middle age issues, weight gain, menopause and talk of stress.

RESPECT The Word – read the post, agree or disagree, make a comment, start a discussion or read and pass on by. I don’t mind what you do here, but I ask that you respect what’s written.

NAME dropping of products and books will take place on these posts, but I get no financial benefit from doing so. However, note that I am a book reviewer and product reviewer for Amazon which is where some of the items will have come from.

For this first post I’ll dive in with my motivator: Spring 2023, a family holiday which included daily challenging walks also resulted in more weight gain, I couldn’t understand how it happened. Dinner with the girls in May, my standard fall back comment, ‘My bathroom scales must be broken, they only ever show an increase when I stand on them’. I didn’t really like the comment but it made them laugh. News from the oldest of our trio, ‘At 55 we get called in for our next NHS health check.’ Ouch! I would be 55 in August and my last check had concerns of rising cholesterol. Add to that the weight I knew I’d put on in the last 5 years and I was unhappy.

Roll back further and the menopause symptoms hit me BIG TIME during Covid Lockdown 2020 when access to doctors was extremely limited. I also admit to comfort eating my way through much of the first lockdown, between the panic attacks as pandemic fears spread.

So what’s this all about? In the coming weeks I’m going to talk about what I’ve been doing about all of the above, how I did it and why I did it. I’ll include topics such as increasing my metabolic rate, the value of walking in the woods, creating a new body attitude, making it all work just for me and how I shed some of the bulges. If you’re interested in any of that, then please join me for the next few weeks.

Now, I’m all for ‘anything goes’, but I will warn you that my own path includes alternative views, theories, items and practices. I’ll consider an holistic option before a traditional medical one more often than not. So if that doesn’t sit well with you, let’s agree to respect each other’s views.

Week 1 – For menopause symptoms relief consider a Lady Care magnet. This item is worn 24/7 on your underwear, just below your naval. It’s not cheap, it doesn’t work instantly (2 – 3 months), but it is an alternative option. It worked for me, reducing hot flushes and my more manic days when hormonal mood swings had me snapping at everyone. However, it may not work for everyone.

My reading suggestion? We’ll get to weight loss in a later post, but I found Weight Wisdom by Alan Jackson useful reading. (Buy it in paperback, if you can, as there is much to flip back and forth between).

Next week, I am going to talk about increasing my metabolic rate. Fact or myth?

Tell me about things that worked for you during the menopause.

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