Rosie’s #Bookreview of The Cousins O’Dwyer #Paranormal Romance Trilogy by Nora Roberts

Dark Witch (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy Book 1) by [Nora Roberts]Dark Witch is book one of the Cousins O’Dwyer paranormal romance trilogy. These stories are set in Ireland and are a mix of legend, culture and magic. Iona Sheehan has come to Ireland in search of her family relatives and in hopes of finding a place that she can call home. Her skills as a horsewoman and the dormant magic she has, directly link her to Sorcha, a witch who lived more than 800 years ago; an evil which has followed Sorcha’s descendants through time. Iona must join with her cousins in an attempt to defeat an evil man-wolf one final time.


Shadow Spell (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy Book 2) by [Nora Roberts]Shadow Spell is book two of the series and focuses on Conner and Meara. Their long-term friendship turns more romantic after both have brushes with the evil Cabhan. Family and friends joins for a second attempt to finish the man-wolf, but it doesn’t end here.


Blood Magick (The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy Book 3) by [Nora Roberts]Blood Magick is the final book in this series and brings Branna and Fin back together. Once teenage sweethearts their lives were pulled apart when Fin developed a demon mark. However, to finally defeat the evil Cabhan, they must put their past behind them and find a way to deal with the demon who is trying to take their powers.

There is a lot going on in this trilogy, with plenty of magic, time slips, battles with evil and animal interactions. There is plenty of romance too which I looked forward to and the Irish setting was delightful. However, at times I felt it dragged a little and I was always conscious that nothing would be totally solved until the end of book three. So although generally I like this author’s writing, this particular trilogy isn’t one that I would rush to re-read.

The Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy (3 Book Series) by Nora Roberts

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