The Dean Machine by @DylanLeePeters #Dystopia #Bookreview @VikkiPatis

The Dean MachineThe Dean Machine by Dylan Lee Peters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Dean Machine is an interesting mix of a book, the preface is the story of a rescue dog called Dean who is the inspiration for the dog which runs through the book. The Dean Machine itself is a dystopian dark fantasy with themes of human and animal rights, there is harsh torture and deep love and best of all money from sales of the book go to rescue dogs.

The book opens with Dan Delacor, who lives in Yellow City, this book is set in a futuristic time and place, everything in Yellow City has a yellow theme. Dan has anger issues, he also has only one arm. Very soon Dan spots a red dog, very unusual in this yellow city. Another time the dog leads Dan to a broken bridge and suddenly he has a flash of a memory, Dan can only remember his life back to just a few months but something is stirring deep inside of him. The red dog is called Dean and he’s with Wendy who approaches Dan, tells him he’s been brainwashed and helps him escape Yellow City.

There are lots of layers to this tale, which get peeled back added to plenty of twists just when you think you know where the storyline is taking you. Dan’s accident is revealed as is the fact he is a superb engineer who has created a Heart Bond piece of engineering. Plenty of bad guys and an interesting revelation from The Source.

This book would suit Dystopia / Sci-Fi fans, especially those who love dogs too.

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