Mystery Book Tour Day 23 #MysteryNovember Buffalo Soldiers by Nicholas Denmon

November Mystery Tour

Please welcome today’s author to the Mystery November Book Tour. Nicholas Denmon talks about his book Buffalo Soldiers.

Buffalo Soldiers

Where is your home town?

My hometown is Buffalo, NY. My family is from there and I was born there, but my adopted hometown is Saint Petersburg, FL.


How long have you been writing?

I have been writing stories since second grade. Kids would pay me a quarter to include them as a character or to write a story they wanted to hear, complete with drawings. I used to get those little ice cream cups at lunch with the money. Interesting fact, my novels are for sale as ebooks for $.99 so I am now making about a 400% mark up. I’m not sure what the inflation rate is, but I like to think I’ve made progress.

What is your favourite sub-genre of mystery?

I really enjoy the private detective types. Dennis Lehane is one of my favourite authors (Mystic River) and he also lives in Saint Petersburg. His Patrick Kenzie novels are excellent (Gone, Baby, Gone)


Where is Buffalo Soldiers set?

Buffalo Soldiers is set in Buffalo, NY. The reason it is called Buffalo Soldiers is because it deals with the mafia soldiers in that city. It is a different twist on the familiar term we associate with Buffalo Soldiers, which of course refers to the military regiment consisting of entirely African-American soldiers.


Tell us about Rafael Rontego

Rafael Rontego is a mafia assassin. He is a character that starts off as self-serving and closed off as anyone you might imagine. He has to be this way because of his profession. In the first book in the series, For Nothing, he starts off as a cold-blooded killer. By the time you make your way to Buffalo Soldiers, you get a different take on Rafael Rontego as you get a tiny glimpse at his buried humanity.

What qualities does Alex Vaughn bring to Sydney Price’s investigation?

In Buffalo Soldiers, Alex Vaughn is a retired cop.   He used to be undercover and spent serious time within the Ciancetta organization. FBI Agent Sydney Price has been tasked with dismantling the Ciancetta crime family and hopes that she can use his considerable knowledge to tighten the noose.

Why was Ivan Nivsky in prison?

You learn why he was in prison throughout the course of the novel, but suffice it to say he is a member of organized crime and eventually you have to pay the price for living that lifestyle.

How is Ivan linked to the Ciancetta family? Is this still the same after he came out of prison?

Ivan is linked to the Ciancetta family. In fact he is in good standing upon exiting prison because he kept his mouth shut and received a longer sentence because of his loyalty. In a world rife with rats and self-interested sell outs, a man like Ivan is a rare commodity.

Tell us what you are working on at the moment.

I am currently working on two novels. One is the wrap up, third novel, in the An Upstate New York Mafia Tale. That one is titled, Ashes to Ashes. At the same time I am changing course and writing a novel called The Hundred Heartbreaks of Harlan Halifax.

Where can readers find out more about you?


Readers can find me everywhere. I am on twitter @nicholasdenmon, as well as My website:  Amazon US: and Noble: Soldiers   


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For Nothing

My novels are available in paperback at most major book stores and are available online as well as ebooks.

Instagram: @Ndenmon


12 thoughts on “Mystery Book Tour Day 23 #MysteryNovember Buffalo Soldiers by Nicholas Denmon

  1. Love the part where other kids were paying you to include them in your early writing Nicholas. This sounds like an interesting series which I shall stick on my TBR list – best of luck with finished off the last in the series.


  2. Hi Rosie – Very interesting author interview. I liked how he talked about writing when he was a child and Kids would pay a quarter for him to include them as a character. That’s very cute! 🙂


  3. Pingback: Mystery November | roydimond

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