Letter V on The A to Z April Challenge 2014

Today we bring you letter V on the A to Z challenge. My book today is called “Victoria” and is written by Stephanie Hurt. Genre: Romance

Victoria – 1st book in the Women Of Magnolia Hill Saga


Victoria Slaughter was a strong willed young woman. She knew what she wanted in a husband and it wasn’t going to be a prearranged marriage as her parents had. When the Civil War looms near, her father has to take matters into his own hands. In comes Zane Camden, a hard-working, handsome shipping magnate from Boston. Victoria immediately turned her back on him. Could he win her over? Would her father force her hand? Would the Civil War change things forever at Magnolia Hill Plantation?

Stephanie  Hurt

Places to find me:


Twitter:  @StephanieHurt4


All of my books are available on Amazon, Smashwords, Allromanceebooks.com, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Diesel, Oyster Ebooks, Apple iTunes, and CreateSpace.

Here are some randomly selected links to other bloggers who are blogging through April, please find time to visit their blogs too.






During the challenge we are asking people to leave as many comments as possible on blogs, all supportive comments are very much appreciated thank you.

AtoZ Banner [2014]

8 thoughts on “Letter V on The A to Z April Challenge 2014

  1. Pingback: Letter V on The A to Z April Challenge 2014 | Avon Romance

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