Letter E on the A to Z April Challenge

Today is letter E on the A to Z Challenge. Today my book is, Everlasting (Night Watchmen, #1) by Candace Knoebel. Genre: Romance

What if your destiny lay on the other side of death? The annual Culling ceremony is a day every coming-of-age novice looks forward to within the Primeval Coven. It’s the start to being initiated into the Night Watchmen, humankind’s protectors, and it’s the long-awaited day when novices discover if they’re a Hunter or a Witch. But this day is not a happy one for Faye Middleton. Not when she’s known her whole life that she’s a Defect and is about to face banishment in front of her fellow novices. She’s forced to attend the Culling with little hope for her future, but what she discovers about herself is far worse than she could’ve imagined. And far more dangerous. Thrown into training and separated from her friends, Faye must learn to adjust. She struggles to find her place within the Coven, and with Jaxen Gramm, the darkly handsome and extremely unnerving man assigned to watch and protect her. Emotions run high, and when she discovers a deadly secret about him, her struggles deepen. As corruption within the Coven begins to unravel, Faye pieces together her role in saving the future of her people, and within Jaxen’s life…but will the truth save her, or be her undoing?
Find a copy of the book here;


To find out more about Candace why not check out this post when she joined us for the Romancing September Tour http://wp.me/p2Eu3u-2w3

Links to your author sites ie Author pages, Twitter, Facebook, blogs etc:

Author Site: http://www.candaceknoebel.wordpress.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/candaceknoebel

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/candaceknoebel

Here are some randomly chosen links to other bloggers who are doing the challenge, please find time to visit their sites too.






During the challenge we are encouraging everyone to leave a comment, all supportive comments are very much appreciated, thank you.

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19 thoughts on “Letter E on the A to Z April Challenge

  1. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Everlasting is spotlighted on Rosie Amber’s blog today!! Check it out!!


  2. This sounds good. I think I’ll try it on my daily foray to the library. Thanks for the lead. Visiting from the A to Z Challenge sign up list BTW.

    Best regards,


  3. Great idea to do book reviews – you can always find a book starting with any letter. That’s what I usually write – maybe that’s why I didn’t think of it for the challenge. Love the Rose – beautiful. The VP of my current WIP is named Rose.


  4. I am enjoying your theme and your book choices. I also have to say that rose is gorgeous. I am anxiously waiting for Spring to arrive here In Philadelphia.


    • Thank you, it’s great to hear that people are enjoying the books I have lined up. We have a teasing Spring day today, I have just been out to mow he lawn for the first time this year.


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