Romancing September author Lizzie Lamb (Day 16)

Day 16 on our Romancing September Across the World Tour and today we welcome author Lizzie Lamb to the blog with her book “Tall, Dark and Kilted”. Later you can join Lizzie over in Georgia with Stephanie, when they discuss writing romance today’s society.

Lizzie Lamb authorLet’s find out more about Lizzie and her book;

1) Where is your home town?

Leicester, UK. Recently, the remains of King Richard III were located and exhumed in a Leicester City car park after lying there since 1485!!

2) How long have you been writing?

I’ve been scribbling away since childhood. But my latest venture started in 2006 when I left the teaching profession to concentrate on my writing.

 Has is always been romance?

Romance and historical novels, but most recently rom coms, inspired by Jilly Cooper and Helen Fielding (Bridget Jones).

3) Your book cover is lovely and tantalising, who designed it?

I designed it using the Create Space template. My husband spent HOURS sifting through Shutterstock, Dreamstime etc for the right image before I settled on this one (from Dreamstime).

4) With its title, “Tall Dark and Kilted” can only be in Scotland, had you always wanted to set a book here?

I was born in Scotland and love anything to do with its history and romance, so it was a natural choice for me to set my first novel there. My second novel which is due out this autumn is set in Norfolk, England. But I’m returning to Scotland for number three and four.

5) Does our Scottish Laird Ruairi march around in his kilt all day or does it come out on special occasions only?

Ruairi owns several kilts in different versions of the Urquhart tartan – ancient Urquhart, hunting Urquhart and so on. He also has quite a few old kilts which have been ripped on thorns and thistles, mended and consigned to work wear. When estate work demands him to walk through the long grass or when he goes deer stalking he would wear combat pants to protect him from the midges!! Te He!

6) What does he wear under his kilt? (Sorry readers, I just had to ask!)

In true, Scottish fashion he usually goes commando. However, should the occasion warrant it, he would wear Calvin’s beneath his plaid. It the now famous window seat chapter of Tall, Dark and Kilted, the reader learns exactly what the gorgeous Ruairi wears under his kilt.

Old joke: Is there anything worn under your kilt, sir? Answer – No, it’s all in perfect working order. Ha ha!

7) Fliss practices Holistic therapy, did you deliberately want to mix “New” and “Old” in your book?

YES! She leaves behind the raucous lifestyle of Notting Hill and Pimlico and settles for the gentler pace of Kinloch Mara. There she can practice the more ‘yen’ side of holistic therapy, help people relax and unwind – and find out who she really is.

8) You’ve added humour to your book too, can you tell us a little of what to look for that will make us giggle?

Most people have said that they’ve enjoyed the sparky dialogue between Fliss and Ruairi. My favourite moment is when Ruairi’s sisters’ antics on the London Underground are revealed (via a YouTube video). We see them performing a sword dance to Scotland the Brave and then stripping down to thongs and hold up stockings to execute a pole dance to the Pussy Cat Doll’s Don’t You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Like Me? Oh My! That sound pretty memorable!

9) You are a Founder member of The New Romantics 4, can you tell us more about this?


The catalyst for forming the NR4 was an inspiring lunch with a well known indie author (Amanda Grange) who encouraged us to stop waiting for agents to nail a publishing deal and to go it alone. We reached the conclusion we had nothing to fear other than fear itself and set off on the road to self publication summer 2012. Along with three other authors in  The New Romantics 4 (all members of the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s New Writers’ Scheme) I published my debut novel on Amazon as a paperback and kindle download.  Last autumn we held red carpet road shows where we read extracts from our novels over fizz and canapés, and then signed and sold copies of our books. We have plans to repeat this experience again in November 2013 – including one gig in London !! Woo Hoo. I’ll certainly look out for that.

10) What is the new title of your next book? When will it be published?

My second novel is called BOOT CAMP BRIDE and is currently with a copy editor. I expect it to be ready by the end of October 2013 and available on Amazon in November.

Tall Dark and KiltedFind Lizzie’s book here on or

Thank you Lizzie, I’m beginning to feel part of your book already without having read it, it’s characters are enticing me in.

22 thoughts on “Romancing September author Lizzie Lamb (Day 16)

  1. Pingback: Romancing September author Lizzie Lamb (Day 16) | New Romantics 4

  2. Finally, I get a chance to comment. Thanks to Stephanie and Rosie for giving me the chance to tell more readers about Tall, Dark and Kilted. Coincidentally, the frood of my new rom com: BOOT CAMP BRIDE arrived in the post today.


    • Thanks Adrienne, I appreciate your leaving a comment. Very excited to be launching new book along with other New Romantuc 4 members.


    • Thank you dear Romaniacs! We’re all travelling along the same road and are determined to get there. By hook or by crook. Very excited about number two: Boot Camp Bride.


  3. Great answers to interesting questions, Lizzie and Rosie! I loved the bit in Tall, Dark and Kilted, with Ruairi’s sisters, too! Looking forward to Boot Camp Bride and that wonderful Norfolk coastal setting.


  4. So, I’m a day late – As always LIzzie you sparkle when it comes to interviews. Like June and Ade, I’m also looking forward to reading Boot Camp Bride (such a fun title), I’m proud to be a member of New Romantics 4, and look forward to our next round of readings and fizz.


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