📚’Book Two of The House On The Hill Gothic #Horror Trilogy.’ Rosie’s #Bookreview Of The Silent Forest by @DavidKummer7

The Silent Forest (The House on the Hill, #2)The Silent Forest by David Duane Kummer
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Silent Forest is book two of The House On The Hill gothic horror trilogy.

The story continues in the small American town of New Haven. After a young newly-wed goes missing at an mysterious, old house, best friend Kaia believes she can find her.

Meanwhile, the Woods household has opened its home to a strange boy found wandering on the road. He appears harmless, but secrets surround him.

Missing people, dark occurrences and increasing fear all lead to the House On The Hill. How can one derelict building have such a hold over a town and its inhabitants?

This Gothic style story in its modern setting is just edgy enough for those who prefer a milder version of horror without it being too grim. However, don’t think that this is a cosy story; it has all the chills to leave a really creepy feel. I recommend reading these books in order. The tension really builds and I can only begin to imagine where the author will take the storyline in book three.

View all my reviews  on Goodreads

Book description:

There are some shadows you can’t keep underground.

In New Haven, everything is changing. And there’s no going back now.

It’s been weeks since Allison went missing, and everyone has given up. New Haven mourns their dead as the summer winds down. For a while, things are calm. The Woods family and the whole town are adjusting to life after the tragic summer.

But this is not the end.

When everyone else has given up, Kaia keeps looking. And now, she’s starting to find answers.

While the Woods family adapts to their new visitor, more people around town go missing and the unsolved cases pile up. An older couple, first. Longtime New Haven residents. And then another. Sherif Wheeler starts to crack under the pressure. Time is running out.

Their only hope for answers—Malaki Banks—leaves cryptic clues. Kaia has to confront him again, still haunted by that night in the house. When she does, Malaki gives them a clue that might be the answer to everything.

A new discovery in the forest offers hope. But it also threatens to unbury all of New Haven’s darkest secrets.

For the Woods family, it will take everything they have. For Kaia, it’s the last chance. Their lives and their town will never be the same.

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