VACATION Thoughts #FridayFiveChallenge Would you BUY or PASS? Fodor’s Utah

This fun feature is a mini workshop. We look at book covers just from their thumbnail pictures at online selling book sites and make quick fire buying decisions. We look from a READERS Point of View and this exercise is very EYE OPENING.

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From the book cover we will browse the book description, price and some of the reviews BUT we only have 5 MINUTES.


Join in and see where it leads.

Grab a coffee and spend 5 Minutes on this exercise.

AUTHORS – You often only have seconds to get a reader to buy your book, is your book cover and book bio up to it?

My Friday Five Challenge is this….. IN ONLY FIVE MINUTES….

1) Go to any online book supplier,

2) Randomly choose a category,

3) Speed through the book covers, choose one which has instantly appealed to your eye,

4) Read the book Bio/ Description for this book,

5) If there are reviews, check out a couple,

6) Make an instant decision, would you BUY or PASS?

(then write a little analysis about your decision)

Share your post, use #FridayFiveChallenge @rosieamber1 and I’ll help share all relevant posts.

I’ve just finished an article about holidays and my thought returned to Utah and it’s National Arch Monuments, I like what I’ve seen before and would like to return to explore more of the area, so my search term was Utah. or

Book description

Fodor’s correspondents highlight the best of Utah, including awe-inspiring national parks from Arches to Zion, outstanding ski resorts like Deer Valley, and Salt Lake City’s cultural riches. Our local experts vet every recommendation to ensure you make the most of your time, whether it’s your first trip or your fifth.
MUST-SEE ATTRACTIONS from the Great Salt Lake to Sundance
PERFECT HOTELS for every budget
BEST RESTAURANTS to satisfy a range of tastes
Useful FEATURES on outdoor adventures and drives
VALUABLE TIPS on when to go and ways to save
INSIDER PERSPECTIVE from local experts
MAPS AND COLOR PHOTOS to guide and inspire your trip

Price; £9.69 kindle £13.99 paperback

Reviews; 5 on Amazon US

one 3* review said;

“Wish it would have been more detailed about the different Canyons. Spent almost half the book on Salt Lake City area which I had been too before.”

Would I BUY or PASS? …..PASS unless I definitely know we are going.


I chose the book for the book cover, Utah is the arches to me, but I want to explore more. I would buy a copy in paperback if I were booked to go there, Fodor have a good reputation and this book was published in 2015, so much of it would be up to date. A travel guide needs to be up to date to be of any use. I was concerned with the review which said much of the book was about Salt Lake City, we’re not city people, so I would want to know about the National parks, walks etc I’m not too bothered about the price for a non-fiction book, it will have lots of photos.

Here are links to others bloggers taking up today’s challenge.

Liz searched for Magic and found The House At The End Of Hope Street by Meena Van Praag

Shelley looked at upcoming releases and found Sleepless in Manhattan by SarahMorgan

Cathy is feeling the cold and found a thriller; Ice by Kevin Tino

Barb searched for LONDON and found a delicious book with wizards, Rivers Of London by Ben Aaronovitch

Paula searched for Andalucia and found a book by Lisa Marie Basile


24 Sleeps ’til Xmas Tour “Sleigh Bells in the Snow” by Sarah Morgan (Day 10)


Sleigh Bells in the Snow by Sarah Morgan

Description courtesy of Goodreads;

Once upon a time, Christmas was Kayla Green’s favourite time of year. Now all the workaholic wants for Christmas is for it to be over—as fast as possible! So when duty calls her to snowy Vermont to close a deal with a new client, Kayla is grateful for an excuse to avoid the holidays for another year.

Jackson O’Neil left a thriving business behind to return home and salvage his family’s resort—it’s in his blood, and he can’t let it fail. Now that he’s got marketing whiz Kayla Green working with him to put Snow Crystal on the map, success is on the horizon. The fact they strike enough sparks off each other to power all the Christmas lights in Vermont is just an added bonus.

Kayla might be an expert at her job, but she’s out of her depth with Jackson—he makes her crave the happy-ever-after she once dreamed of, and it’s terrifying. As the snowflakes continue to swirl, will the woman who doesn’t believe in the magic of Christmas finally fall under its spell?

Find a copy here from or

During this season of Goodwill I’m asking readers to take part in my daily Good Deed suggestions to spread a little joy in the world. Today I’m asking readers to buy a friend a bar of chocolate.