🌼What’s Flowering In The Garden At The End Of This Week In July? #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningAddict

This week we have had lovely cool temperatures and some rain.

The cool nights do feel a little odd for early July, but then it is easier to sleep when it is cooler.

Let’s have a look in more detail at this week’s six…

Back again from last year is the Sunshine Dahlia, I’m trying it in a shadier position this year. It did well last year, but was fried at the end by the hot sun.

Second photo is a unknown pink rose which is looking very lovely. While picture three goes to one of the Pompom Dahlias, which is another nameless one.

I found the white Buddleia flowering when I toured the garden. The bees always seem to prefer the purple one, does anyone know why?

Next up is a group of self-seed hollyhocks, the dry conditions have kept the rust at bay, but the plants are all shorter than other years.

Last photo is of more of my many Nasturtiums, this one may be from the Jewel mixed pack.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


More about #SixOnSaturday gardens and their gardeners can be found in my Enchanting Gardens series:

Catch up with previous posts in this series below:

Fred and his garden in Normandy, France here.

Sarah and her Australian garden here.

Páraig and his Irish garden here.

Selwa and her Belgium garden here.

Amelia and her garden in Florida here.

Kate and her garden in Finland here.

TopDock and his garden in Alabama here.

38 thoughts on “🌼What’s Flowering In The Garden At The End Of This Week In July? #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningAddict

  1. The colour of your Pompom Dahlia is gorgeous, Rosie – so rich and it looks as though it doesn’t have a single nibble on it!
    I can’t help you with your question about the white buddleia, it’s very pretty and I’m sure the bees will find it soon enough. Perhaps they still have plenty to feast on nearby? Love your hollyhocks!

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  2. Nice to see dahlias starting to show up in people’s pictures! Gives me hope that ours can’t be too far behind. Beautiful pictures, all of them. Totally agree with you about the cooler nights — usually we have the fans on overnight by now, but definitely not complaining.

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    • They are fairly bomb proof and can be grown in pots or flower beds. They do better in a bit of shade and slugs and snails enjoy the early shoots if you grow/keep them outside over winter. Buy them as corms and start them off inside then put outside once they get to about a foot high. They will need stakes as they can get quite tall. If you plant them in a flower bed and have mild winters, then they can be left in the ground.

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  4. Your garden is looking so jolly this week! 😘💞🌼🌸 Love that buddlea and hollyhocks! Apparently bees see in a particular spectrum of colours more on the pink blue spectrum. Our bees always go nuts for blue flowers! 💙

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