New Year. New You. Motivate Me Week 3 – Setting Goals with @ShelleyWilson72 #wwwblogs

New Year. New You.


Let Shelley Wilson help you keep to your New Year’s Resolutions


Week 1 – Reviewing 2016 and looking forward to 2017

Week 2: Power words for 2017

Week Three: Motivational Guest Post – Setting Yourself Goals

The media is flooded with articles on goal setting, resolutions, and weight loss regimes at the start of a New Year. There are plenty of challenges available for us to take part in, but is it right to sign up for the first experience we come across? No, this would be disastrous for our development and our soul. Working out what we want to achieve takes time and thought.

You may rush to add a trek to Machu Picchu on to your to-do list. This is a noble goal and one that I have on my bucket list. Deciding to travel across the world and climb to the top of a mountain isn’t something that many of us can just do. It takes planning and funding – all of which takes time.

As a single mum of three, I know that taking a trip to Peru is a long-term goal. Something for when my children are self-sufficient and can cope without me for a longer period. At the moment I can’t even take a bath without them camping outside the bathroom door demanding to know why the Wi-Fi isn’t working, if there’s anything to eat, or if I have any money in my purse for a school trip.

So, is it wrong to have big dreams? Not at all, this is half the fun of goal setting. We can visualise ourselves achieving anything we want. However, to keep ourselves motivated it’s wise to set ourselves a few smaller goals to work on throughout the year. These might include ‘read fifty-two books by December’, or ‘write the first draft of two novels before August’.

Goal setting may fill you with dread, and that’s fine. The phrase ‘goal setting’ might turn your insides to jelly. So why on earth should we bother?

Think back on all the sporting events that you’ve watched over the years. The Olympics, Paralympics, Rugby World Cup, Tour de France, Super Bowl, or Wimbledon. What do they all have in common? The answer is, top level athletes. These guys set themselves a goal and give one-hundred-per-cent to achieve it. The majority will have personal coaches who work with them to focus their mind, train their bodies towards a specific deadline, and manage their time effectively. This is personal development at its best. They will have a clear outline of what is needed to succeed.

Setting a goal gives you a starting point, it helps you to think about yourself for a change, and it’s the ideal process to visualise a better future.

Deciding on what goals you want to set will be personal to you. Your interests may include abseiling, calligraphy, running a marathon, teaching adult learners, launching a new career/business/blog, or any number of incredible opportunities. Writing down all the possibilities is a great place to start, it allows your brain to open up to new ideas, and work through old ones. Once you start writing, your subconscious mind will kick in and dig deep for all the hidden gems, long forgotten dreams, and ideas you might have been playing around with but never nailed down. I can’t tell you what to add to your goals list, but I can help unlock something in you. Try answering these questions to see if a theme appears:

List your top five achievements/memories/successes.

List five things you want the most.

If you had five other lives to lead, what would you do?

Write five experiences you would like to enjoy (e.g., taking a hot air balloon trip).

I always find this exercise gets the mental juices flowing and allows you to dream big and be free to imagine yourself doing, having, or being anything at all. Embrace the exercise and feel free to share your goals in the comments. Accountability is a perfect way to achieve success.


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Next Week: Planning For A Perfect Year.

11 thoughts on “New Year. New You. Motivate Me Week 3 – Setting Goals with @ShelleyWilson72 #wwwblogs

  1. Wise words Shelley, and they’ve made me realise I need to set goals for getting my book out rather than just letting things float along. I shall do that today 🙂 Thanks for the kick up the backside!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha ha, you’re welcome! I’m the same when it comes to my books. I can happily set foodie, family, or even exercise (shivers at the thought!) goals, but I always forget to set writing and book launch goals. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Shelley. Am really enjoying your series–and I know that your books would be great motivators! Plus, I love the covers…but I’ve said that before. 🙂

    Pinned & shared.

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