Echoes In The Darkness by Jane Godman

Echoes in the Darkness (Jago Legacy, #2)Echoes in the Darkness by Jane Godman

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Echoes in the Darkness is an engaging Gothic horror romance. It gives you all the shivers and secrets of a forbidden past and wraps them up with a hot romance.

Dita Varga is on the run and when she gets to Paris she earns money by posing as a nude model, but she refuses to have her face painted in case her followers find her. When news arrives that those who seek her, are closing in Dita rashly accepts an offer from her flatmate to travel to England as his fiancé.

They leave behind them Paris, horrific murders of street girls and the only love of Dita’s life, an unknown man whom she spent one wonderful night with and never saw again. Eddie takes her to his family home in Cornwall, Tenebris or Athal House is his impressive ancestral home full of ghosts and dark secrets, but Dita feels like she is where she belongs.

Not long after their arrival village girls go missing and the fingers start pointing at Cad Vargo, in fact sinister happenings have always been connected to the Jago name. Bit by bit Dita discovers more of the family history and we wonder just how close to home more murders will come before the Jago madness gets the blame.

There were some beautiful descriptions and language used, some books I find myself sliding over the filler descriptions but this book kept me enthralled. Here’s an example of a line I loved “Nature’s clock was chiming the twilight of the year”. I also loved Dita’s beauty it shone out like a beacon against the darker side of the novel. Really enjoyed this, a great sequel to the first book, but easily a stand alone book too.

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