Unenchanted by Chanda Hahn

UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1)UnEnchanted by Chanda Hahn

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Meet Mina Grime, a 15 year old school girl who keeps a low profile and is cursed with clumsiness. Her life is about to become a whole lot more exciting when she saves the life of a fellow student during a school trip.

Remember the Grimm Brothers? Mix that with the tales they wrote and a deadly family curse and there is the makings of this story. This book actually made me go and look up The Brother’s Grimm and remind myself about their work.

Mina plays her part in three tales from the Grimm tales during this book and there are promises of more adventures in the next book in the series.

I loved this book, the fairy tale theme worked for me and I liked the fact that Mina could re-write the endings. This book is written for the YA market but if you like fairy tales it’s very readable as an adult.

Find a copy of this book here from Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com

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