Romancing September author Ana Calin (Day 25)

It is Day 25 of our Romancing September Across the World Tour, and today we are going to meet Ana Calin and her book “The Blacksmith”. Then you can cross to Georgia in a few hours and read her views on writing romance in today’s society with Stephanie.

Ana Calin author

Let us find out more about Ana;

1) Where is your home town?
My hometown is Constanta, Romania. (I’ve been living in Germany for four years. Constanta is yet the place where the story unfolds).
2) How long have you been writing?
I’ve been writing fiction for one year but researching for two (needed the research as background for what is happening with the ‘superior beings’ in the story). (Technically, I’ve been writing for over ten years since I was an English major in college and Creative Writing was a must. After I graduated I started working as a translator and writer for web sites)
3) Has your writing always included an aspect of romance?
The Blacksmith is my first novel. Romance is its central point and will remain so in the following novels as well.
4) “The Blacksmith” is a romantic thriller, where did the idea for the story come from?
The idea for “The Blacksmith” came from observation and a lot of psychology reading. Observing that many couples who’ve been together for over seven years become disappointed and start chasing the new, often even leaving their partners for a fresh start, I became obsessive on getting to the bottom of happiness through love: should one challenge the old and established for one’s dream? Or should one fight to reignite the fire of infatuation in a long time relationship?
5) The character known as “The Blacksmith” is an unknown murderer. Does his name have a significance?
The meaning behind the Blacksmith’s alias is even more important to the story than his identity. He is  a superhuman whose main purpose resonates with his alias.
6) How does the romance evolve? Does Aurelia become obsessed?
Aurelia first becomes obsessed with discovering who the Blacksmith is. What she doesn’t expect is that she’ll fall in love with him so deeply.
7) What happened to Aurelia’s husband?
Aurelia’s husband, Damian, is present throughout the story just like the boy she secretly desires, Ivan. One of these two men IS the Blacksmith.
8) What does Aurelia have to do to find the answers she needs?
Since she is the one to discover the first victim, Aurelia feels compelled to find out who the villain is. Having no reason to trust what she’s certain are corrupt policemen, she will start an investigation of her own, aided by an attorney, a psychiatrist and a biochemist. She will discover that the one she chases is no common man and she’ll go unveiling secret powers buried in her own psyche.
9) Does “The Blacksmith” have an equal love for Aurelia?
We don’t find out how the Blacksmith truly feels for Aura until the last chapters. He might be madly in love with her or long to kill her in the cruellest way.
10) Are you working on a sequel to this book? Or do you have another book that you are writing?
I’m currently working on a sequel, “Cries of the Blood”. I’ve started posting the chapters on my blog, Of course, I’m avoiding spoilers for The Blacksmith. When the book is finished the chapters will be cut to trailers.

NOTE: the book contains some measure of erotica (not going overboard though), so it is recommendable for mature audiences.
The Blacksmith 2

To find a copy of “The Blacksmith” follow these links to or or

Thank you Ana for being our guest today and Good Luck with the new book. Now step over to for the rest of Ana’s interview.

5 thoughts on “Romancing September author Ana Calin (Day 25)

  1. Thank you both, dear Rosie and Stephanie, for giving me the chance to talk more about the themes and motifs behind the Blacksmith’s story. It’s the good questions that drove the answers and you girls are truly masters at what you do. I’m honored to guest blog with you


    • Wow, this project has so many beautiful aspects! Great to read from you too, Camelia, I’m really very pleased to see there are more of us out there. I can’t wait to check on your work


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