Boredom Buster

It’s the holidays and some of you will have children who believe that they are “bored!” Well the new Argos catalogue is out; I always found that my kids loved getting hold of this and going through it. It’s free, get them one each and they can use it to make birthday or Christmas wish lists. They can cut out the pictures to make “mood boards”, collages, pictures or anything that their imaginations can think of. I always try to buy the kids something cheap and new to get them outside for some fresh air, while we are at Argos. Perhaps tennis rackets, space hoppers, outdoor badminton, Frisbee, water pistols etc. If it’s an indoor type of day, how about looking for a jigsaw from the Wasgij range. These fun jigsaws are celebrating their 15th anniversary and there is the chance for you to win a diamond too worth up to £12k inside their anniversary special edition boxes.