🌷New Series | Garden Tips | Favourite Garden Tools | #GardeningX | Propagating Petunias.

I’m joining with some of my fellow gardeners from the #SixOnSaturday group to bring you a new series of posts that will include some easy plant propagating ideas and conversations about favourite gardening tools.

Fellow gardener and #SixOnSaturday blogger Sarah who gardens in South Australia, joins us today with a propagating tip. Sarah blogs at RoseGardenConversations

Propagating Petunias.

Petunias can easily be taken from tip cuttings. Choose healthy plants and in spring cut a stem 5-6cm long above a leaf node. Strip most of the leaves from the stem, then pop the cuttings into fresh compost, keep them warm and damp to allow the new roots to grow and establish.

The cuttings will be true to the parent plant. Taking cuttings will produce plants quicker than growing them from seed. This is an easy way to increase your flowering plants for free.

If you would like to read more about Sarah and her wonderful Australian garden, she took part in my Enchanting Gardens series. Here is a link that post

Sarah blogs here RoseGardenConversations

Also follower her on:

Twitter/X here @SarahRajkotwala

Instagram here @sarahrajkotwala_writer

Catch up with more posts from the Garden Tips series:

Easy propagating tips for African Violets

Cathy’s favourite Wolf Garten Weeding And Weeding Knife

Fred’s tips for propagating Begonias.

Catherine’s post, gardening with arthritis.

Sarah’s tips for propagating Erigeron.

TopDock’s tips for growing plants from seeds.

Arwen’s tips for propagating roses.

My tips for propagating Busy Lizzies here.

Sarah’s tips on propagating Snapdragons.

Propagating Echeveria

10 thoughts on “🌷New Series | Garden Tips | Favourite Garden Tools | #GardeningX | Propagating Petunias.

  1. I like the part that says “Taking cuttings will produce plants quicker than growing them from seed.” That’s the kind of push I need to try different things instead of instinctively going to the garden centre and buying seeds or plants. Thanks again Sarah and Rosie. (I need compile all the useful tips on here into a document to refer to! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

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