Good Deeds Challenge – Year 2, Week 13

Welcome to my second Year of Good Deeds, a challenge I set myself during April 2013. I decided to do at least one Good Deed a day for a whole year, now I an into my second year.

New Good DeedsDuring my week I’ll also being updating you on My Kindness Challenge which I’m also doing. I read about a new challenge to make the world a better place to live in. “Speak Kind Words, Receive Kind Echoes” see the inspiration on  The Kindness blog . During my learning process I’m donating money to charity for my slip-ups to make me work harder to achieve results. I earn no money from any of my book reviews, so having little to spare should focus my mind.

This week I’ve been doing the following;

July 13th – Cricket season for the colts is heading to a dizzy end in a couple of weeks, but before then we have a lot of matches to get through. Today we were at a cup final with a nail biting end and our team sadly lost by 10 runs. Had time to pick up rubbish and replace used toilet rolls with new ones even though I was from the visiting team. I was asked by one of the readers if I had a photo of the village cricket green that sounds so typically English, where the boys play their home matches. Our own photo’s don’t do it justice but I’ve found a couple of links to images which may give you a feel. Cricket Green Cottages around the green Cottages surround the green and drivers park cars at their own risk, regularly getting hit by balls.

July 14th – My penultimate morning helping out at school for this school year. Just one more week and all the children I have been helping this year will be moving on to the next class.

July 15th – I’ve been feeling stressed and rushed and anticipating a problem. STOP I shout that is when it will all go wrong. I need to take a moment to breath and in that moment I’ve been led once again to a beautiful website which you must all visit even if you know about it. Zenhabits by Leo Babauta Now appreciate the moment and what you have and let’s all take a better step on in life.

I’m working with Rayne Hall to bring you a post about using Twitter as an author. I shall be reading a reviewing Rayne’s book Twitter for Writers for you all shortly. No groaning this can only be good for all you authors.

July 16th – A big day drafting up lots of book review posts for you all. Checked the proofs for the August issues of my book reviews pages in Fleet Life and Elvetham Heath Directory. Took on 2 more books for review, I really need to crack on with my reading. Was literally dragged away from the computer to go to a cricket match.

July 17th – Have just finished Rayne Hall’s book Twitter for Writers and cannot recommend it enough. It’s helped me spot a fake book reviewer who was most likely going to try to sell any book on e-bay or Amazon or worse that may have gone their way. I did have some nagging doubts, my kindness nearly got me into trouble, however I will be doing a bigger Good Deed by not sending this person any books.

July 18th – Left a big tip for my hairdresser who did wonders to my mop of hair. Agreed to read and review another book for an author. Working on the draft for The Romancing September Across the Word Tour. Hopefully we will be launching the tour in the next few days and looking for Romance authors who want to promote their book in September.

July 19th – My Mum came over this afternoon and I helped her with some paperwork and computer advice. She brought a “bug house” for our garden, a home for solitary bees and garden insects, which my Dad had made, plus a pot of this season’s honey. Drafted up a couple of fantastic book reviews from the book review challenge and Rosie’s Book Review Team.

10 thoughts on “Good Deeds Challenge – Year 2, Week 13

  1. Hi Rosie, what a week! Sounds like lots of endings coming up – bitter sweet aren’t they. I can’t wait to check out zenhabits, I’m sure I could benefit from some tips on breathing and being in the moment! Take care dear friend, and blessings on your week. Love always and gratitude for all you are and do, Harula xxx


  2. Hi Rosie … you are certainly doing much – and that’s great .. its a reminder to us all – that in fact if we look we probably do a fair amount of good deeds too – but we can always add to them … I do my bit! Great post on what we can do and ideas .. cheers Hilary


  3. Loved the pictures of the village greens and cricket pitches (? pitches) – quite idyllic. Your usual frantic week – our the children still in school? Is there a summer vacation there? Good deeds for real!


    • Thank you Noelle, my oldest has finished college already and the youngest finishes this Wednesday. They get 6 weeks off, then all back for some more education.


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