🥦Broccoli Strippers Versus Slimy Munchers! #SixOnSaturday #GardeningX #GardeningAddict

Breaking News! Undetected, feathered vandals stripped broccoli, purple sprouting and brussels sprouts in less than 24 hours! They outclassed the slimy munchers in a move that made me think of the Mob. Yes, yes, I hear those at the back smugly mentioning netting the brassicas. In all honesty, it hadn’t happened in previous years and I hadn’t thought about netting until the deed was done! I was more concerned with the slimy hunters who were also spotted moving in on the remains of the broccoli, but even they found it hard to find anything good left to snack on. That’s gardening for you!

So, #SixOnSaturday – six things from the garden, good or bad. I’ve plenty of clashing colours for you today too!

Starting with the Rose Campion which is popping open all around the pond, it looks a lot better in real life that this grainy photo. Next the sorry state of my brassicas. One day they were growing beautifully, the next day only skeleton leaves. Third picture is of the pretty pink Corncockle, thankfully some plants remain unscathed from the garden vandals!

On a brighter note, this is the red patio rose purchased last autumn as part of a trio, it has a lovely scent which I catch when I waft by. Next a pot of brightly mixed Petunias and the last photo goes to a patch of sunny and cheery Marigolds.

#SixOnSaturday is a weekly gardening themed meme for anyone who enjoys plants and flowers. Add your blog post url to the comments on host Jim’s post. Or If you would like to see more gardens from fellow Six On Saturday people from across the world, check out the links from meme host Jim and his blog here.

Happy gardening,


30 thoughts on “🥦Broccoli Strippers Versus Slimy Munchers! #SixOnSaturday #GardeningX #GardeningAddict

  1. Sorry to hear about the vandals, as you say, that’s gardening. Miraculously, the blackbirds left our strawberries alone this year but I’m sure it will be a one off! Harriet

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  2. Apart from the slug damage that is a lovely cheery six Rosie! The rose is lovely, and the corncockles are so pretty. I love Lychnis too. Netting the brassicas may not have helped…. birds have pecked holes in my netting! The slugs have eaten most of the kohlrabi and almost all of the cabbage, and my beans are fighting them off. Not a good year for the vegetable garden, but the flowers should hopefully compensate us!

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  3. I had worse luck with insects and slugs when I had a garden, but it was small so there was limited damage they could make. I’m so sorry, Rosie, but, thankfully, as you say, there are plenty of flowers to cheer up the garden.

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  4. Oh, dear. Who were the naughty culprits then? I didn’t know birds went for brassicas. Fortunately you have plenty of colourful flowers to cheer you up. I am growing corncockle this year – simply scattered seed in the autumn and nothing has interfered with it which makes a change.

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  5. Wow,I did not know that birds would eat one’s brassicas! I have had them ravage seed pods, but never the entire plant (unless they are eating my copious kale reseeds – I would never notice that. Then again, I saw neighbor cat Chloe resting near my broccoli recently, so I think she will prevent such marauders. Your calendula is blooming beautifully! Mine are all too small yet, but with the heat we will have over the next few days, I think I will have a lot of color soon!

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  6. What is the name of your potted rose, Rosie? It’s always lovely to find one that has a gorgeous scent.

    I had a problem with birds and my avocados last year. They would peck at the stem until they fell of the tree and then eat the flesh once they were on the ground. It was the first time that’s ever happened too. I tried distracting them with feeders, but they just ate both!🤷‍♀️

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