🌞Weight Loss Wednesday: Diaries Of A Middle Aged Woman. Week 2 #Health #Life #LifeStyle #WomensHealth

📢Join me for another week of thoughtful rambling! Sit down and take the weight off of your feet, we’ve got something to talk about.

Last week I mentioned here, why this was the right time for me to talk about the weight I’d gained especially through the menopause and Covid lockdowns and what I am doing to reduce it.

This week I am going to start talking about celery. I began reading articles about the type of foods that might help with weight loss. Celery was mentioned as a suitable food. Although I don’t mind a crunchy stick of celery, drinking a glass full of celery juice just seemed unpalatable and extreme.

So next I considered the possibility of raising my metabolic rate. This way I might burn extra calories. I read up on burning belly fat, burning calories while you sleep and all sorts. We all know there is a lot of nonsense advice out there, so I tried my own ‘sensible stab in the dark!’.

Around this time I got a fitness watch to review. I’m not normally a gadget person and only have an Android phone, but it was pretty easy to set up even if I did have to download an (comedy moment) “App-lica-tion” to my phone (yes, an App to everyone under the age of 30!) to cross check with the watch. Once I got used to the insanely easy difficult user functions, I found recording of the number of daily steps and calories burnt quite useful and motivating. (Yes it’s not perfect—it recorded 7000 steps in the 4 hours that I drove a bone-shaker truck to Cornwall, but you can get a feel for a pattern.)

Next I found a recipe for a juice drink which claimed to give your metabolism a boost. Although sceptical, the ingredients were healthy and I thought I’d give it a go. Now, I only ever use recipes as ‘guidelines’, it is a family joke that I never accurately follow a recipe, so here is my rough list:

In a food processor blend:

Half a cucumber.

1 x green apple.

1 x large handful of spinach

A stick of celery.

1 x avocado

1 clove of garlic.

1 inch of fresh ginger

A squeeze of lemon and lime juice.

A dash of cinnamon

And enough pineapple juice to fill up to 1-2 cm of the bottom of the bowl.

You might get 4 glasses of thick green ‘juice’. I ate mine with a spoon each day for 4 days before making a fresh batch. It can be diluted with water to make it drinkable, if required, and I often varied the recipe with other fruit. After a couple of months I got fed up with it and stopped making it.

Did it work? Was it tasty? Well it ‘felt’ healthy, wasn’t too horrible to eat, but probably didn’t do much other than help keep my bowels regular! But psychologically it worked alongside my decision to complete 10000 steps a day. My fitness watch gives a little ‘buzz’ when I reach 10000 steps and it’s actually very satisfying getting that emotional ‘pat on the back – job done’ feeling.

I set myself a challenge: To do 10000 steps every day for a week. Then two weeks, then a month.

Now there were NO overnight sensations, no visible weight loss in a week or even two weeks. Not much movement of the scales in a month, but the scale hadn’t moved higher, so something good. Then one day after about six weeks the needle didn’t reach my usual weight. Not a lot but what a boost that day was!

What about you? Has anyone else tried celery juice for weight loss? Do you walk 10000 steps a day?

Next time I’ll tell you what that needle budging boost did for my moral and where I took it next.

RESPECT The Word – read the post, agree or disagree, make a comment, start a discussion or read and pass on by. I don’t mind what you do here, but I ask that you respect what’s written.

NAME dropping of products and books will take place on these posts, but I get no financial benefit from doing so. However, note that I am a book reviewer and product reviewer for Amazon which is where some of the items will have come from.

15 thoughts on “🌞Weight Loss Wednesday: Diaries Of A Middle Aged Woman. Week 2 #Health #Life #LifeStyle #WomensHealth

  1. I have had one of those trackers for a while (in part because they tend to have plastic parts and I’m allergic to some metals), and I try my hardest to reach the 10000 steps a day (many days I manage more, but it depends on how many things one has to do and the type of things they are). I follow a lot of fitness youtube channels, and there are many that do walking workouts, so it’s not a bad way to keep you going if the weather is bad or you don’t live in a place where going out for a walk is much of an option.
    I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, but I must confess celery is one of the few vegetables I can’t stand, so, definitely not.
    Well done and good luck!

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  2. Oh man do I feel this. I have not tried celery, as I’m not sure I am motivated enough to actually put it in my mouth, but I am on this struggle bus with you. So far what has worked the best is getting the flu, but I don’t think that’s sustainable long term. Still, I did enjoy the boost of seeing that needle move. Good luck on your journey!

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    • Thank you, I think a lot of ladies probably feel similar at some times in their life. Finding the right motivation is key and that moving needle together with my health check target have been working.

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  3. I like to pick up my steps, also gained some weight in menopause. I had one pedometer that was good, but it fell out my pocket and another for around the neck seemed inaccurate..it gave me steps while sitting in the car, but moving! I don’t like wearing watches so have resisted getting one of those. I guesstimate my steps after one of my daughters goes on route, I ask her how many steps she just did. I eat more low fat food and don’t eat icecreams and desserts.

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