🌺Early Summer In My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningAddict

There is still a sharp easterly wind, which is keeping evening and morning temperatures low and the rain out in the west. So the garden is dry and in need of daily watering. Afternoon temperatures rise; some plants are thriving while others (my peas) are a bit miffed. But now we are heading for a weather bomb to mix things up a bit, so we shall see what happens in the next couple of days.

I’m catching up after missing last week, when life just got in the way.

Ragged Robin, bought to sit around the new wildlife pond. I’ve kept the label for when the brain cells struggle to remember the name! Foxy foxglove (I love these), the bees are enjoying them too. The purple Rhododendrons are flowering, last year I lost my red one, which was rather sad.

The roses are all coming into bloom, this one is suffering badly from black spot this year. Next photo is of a bed filled with bees and flowers, the buzzing when I go near by is a delight. (Red Campion, Ox-eye daisy, Jacob’s Ladder, green aconite, Foxgloves and at the back the grape vines.) Last photo is of the first Nasturtium flower. I went a bit mad sowing too many of these too early – beginners error!

Until next week…

Catch up with some of the Sunday Enchanting garden posts:

I spoke to Fred about his garden in Normandy, France, You can re-visit that post here.

I also spoke to Sarah about her Australian garden here.

Last week Páraig shared his Irish garden with us here.

Tomorrow we visit Selwa’s garden in Brussels.

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. Jim is now our host for this gardening meme and you can find his blog here where you will be able to catch up with links from all the other folks who take part.

Happy gardening


28 thoughts on “🌺Early Summer In My Hampshire Garden For #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #GardeningAddict

  1. Nice to see your SOS today, did miss you last week. It might be just my dwindling eye-sight but the text on your posts is very small! I really am squinty here trying to read – thank goodness there are lovely photos! I fell in love with foxglove a few years ago – until they self-seeded themselves throughout our entire garden. If they could behave and stayed in their space, I would have kept them, but they seemed determined to venture forth! I am still pulling them out – and it’s 5 years later!! 😀
    they do make a lovely stand of reliable vibrant color. Yours look lovely!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looking great despite the dry weather. Here there is a ban on watering, although not many people have gardens in the city (and the public ones are watered using non-drinkable water). We’ve had some rain recently, but not enough. Fingers crossed the weather conditions coming up suit your beautiful garden, Rosie.

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  3. Your garden is looking very pretty, if I was a bee, I would love it! 🐝 I keep all my plant labels and stick them in a scrapbook so I remember what is what. I colour coordinate them and have some fun with it. 😘💞

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  4. Lovely colours and flowers, Rosie. If you’re anything like us you’ll have had plenty of rain! It’s battering down, thunder and lightening too. I dread to think what the garden will look like.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So lovely that you are getting around so many of the SOS gardeners. I am shamed! I seem not to have had so much time lately. But I try to stop by when I can. I always enjoy seeing nasturtiums but rarely to I get them to grow – I think the mice eat the seeds!

    Liked by 1 person

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