🌺What’s Growing In My English Country Garden? #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #Flowers

We’ve had another mini heat-wave of sorts after a massive drop in temperature last weekend. Saturday afternoon I was huddled under several layers of clothing and blankets while watching my son play cricket in temperatures 18° lower than they had been the day before.

Own photo of six flowers for June 25th
Six flowers for June 25th

First photo of the week is of this lovely pink Dahlia. There’s no label on it, so it must be one that I over-wintered from last year. Originally bought from Sarah Raven.

Own photo of a pink Dahlia.
Pink Dahlia

Second photo is of my sweetcorn which are flowering and forming cobs (hopefully). Last year I tried growing them on a whim from shop bought kernels. Only one grew, which isn’t really surprising and I was hopeful until I transplanted it and then it died😪 So I bought myself proper seed this year.

Own photo of sweetcorn

Third photo is of the plant that I have lazily called a bottle brush plant, however, that’s rather a generalisation and for this week’s SoS I have been diligently trying to find what it really is and I think that it is a Hebe (maybe White Wand) The honey bees love it. 🐝

Own photo of a bottle brush plant.

Fourth photo doesn’t do the lavender colour justice, it is a lovely mauve at the moment.

Own photo of the lavender pot
Lavender pot

Fifth photo is for the first of the Hollyhocks, they are one of my favourite cottage garden flowers. Mine suffer from rust, but I still enjoy growing them.

Own photo of a Hollyhock

Last photo is of this red Poppy from some of my wild flower mixed seed packs. It won’t last long, so I snapped a photo while it was flowering.

Own photo of a red poppy.
Red Poppy

Thank you for joining me for this #SixOnSaturday post. I hope that you enjoyed it. If you would like to know more about this hashtag, read founder Mr Propagator’s post here also find him on Twitter here.

Happy gardening


Own photo of six flowers for June 25th
Six flowers for June 25th


  1. Mr Propagator’s linky for the meme
  2. Hairbells and Maples is growing Turmeric.
  3. Graeme’s lilies have avoided the lily beetle this year.
  4. Pretty poppies and salvia in Fred’s garden.
  5. Eileen’s waiting for rain in her Welsh garden.
  6. Hortus has some stunning roses.
  7. Take a look at Dana’s strawberry yield.
  8. A great six from Pauline.

36 thoughts on “🌺What’s Growing In My English Country Garden? #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #Flowers

  1. Pingback: 🌺What’s Growing In My English Country Garden? #SixOnSaturday #GardeningTwitter #Flowers - Us Viral Trending

  2. Hi Rosie, I’m newish to Dahlia’s and feeling very behind as mine are no where near flowering. Yours is beautiful! Did you just keep it in its pot (protected) overwinter, and then bring the pot out after threat of frost? I planted some out in the garden – all of which were eaten, while my potted ones are doing fantastic with lots of green, but not a bloom in sight (yet). AND, you have helped me to identify a mystery plant in my yard – a hebe! Thank you for that and for sharing my post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I lifted my dahlia’s and put them in pots on a layer of sand or sawdust, then put them in the dark on a shelf in the garage. In March I took them out and potted in compost and then kept them in the conservatory. Once they began to out grow those pots, I put them in larger pots or planted them in the garden. I planted them in dry sandy soil and we then had some dry days which kept the s&S at bay until the plants were established. I also stood some of my pots on wire trays.


  3. A lovely collection of flowers and sweetcorn! I love growing hollyhocks too, they don’t really get rust here but can be hard to establish when it gets warmer. I hope you weather stays more on a even keel!

    Liked by 1 person

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