Romancing September #RomancingSeptember – Day 12

Romance September 2014 cover (1)

Welcome to Day 12 of Romancing September Across The World Tour. Today our guest is Adrienne Vaughan. Catch up with more from Adrienne in a few hours with the second part of our tour when Stephanie chats to her.

The Hollow Heart 3D cover updated

Where is your home town?

I’m lucky enough to have two home towns, Leicester where I was born and Dublin where I was brought up.

How long have you been writing romance?

I wrote my first novel over 20 years ago, it might yet see the light of day. The Hollow Heart was published in 2012.

What is your favourite sub-genre of romance?

It has to be Romantic Suspense, I love intrigue and plots with turns and twists.

Tell us about Marianne’s job.

She is a workaholic, campaigning journalist. She believes that a journalist’s job is seeking out the truth and righting wrongs.

What drives Marianne to take a break from work?

Her personal life is in turmoil, her lovely boss is retiring and the ‘corporate suits’ are moving in. She’s discovering that although important, there is more to life than just a career.

Where does she end up running to?

She has an Irish background, so heads off to a remote island off the West Coast called Innishmahon.

Who does she meet again on the island?

The gorgeous, but equally troubled movie actor Ryan O’Gorman, also seeking solace somewhere far away from the bright lights of Hollywood.

What disaster threatens the community?

A terrible storm. As with most natural disasters, it shows people in their true light. Marianne realises there is more to Ryan than floppy black hair and cheekbones to die for.

Tell us what you are working on at the moment.

The final part of the Heartfelt trilogy, Secrets of the Heart.

Where can readers find out more about you?

AV-Author or with my colleagues, the New Romantics 4

On facebook, Adrienne Vaughan, twitter @adrienneauthor

Find a copy of The Hollow Heart from or

Find out more about Adrienne from Stephanie Hurts blog and all our Romance writers

34 thoughts on “Romancing September #RomancingSeptember – Day 12

  1. Good morning Rosie,

    Thanks for hosting me on the blog …can you email me the link on it’s own, my laptop is playing up so will need to fire up the iPad and promote from there at my desk in the office!

    Catch you later.

    Adrienne X


  2. Hi Rosie and Adrienne .. a good mix of the corporate world and then the complete opposite on the west coast of Ireland island … with that touch of romance .. good luck – cheers Hilary


  3. I remember reading The Hollow Heart and thinking how the characters leapt off the page at me. I wanted to be there, living among them, chatting away to them, they were so vivid and well created. Adrienne’s writing has such warmth to it. I thoroughly enjoyed the second book too. Can’t wait to read the third! 🙂 Lovely interview, ladies X


    • You were one of the first people to EVER read my work Jan, and you’ve been a huge supporter of me and my scribblings ever since! Sometimes when I’m planning something evil, I think ‘what will Jan say?’ And I decide if you’ll tell me off or not!


  4. Hello Adrienne, my lovely Irish Coleen. Another great interview with Rosie. Looking forward to book number three. You have the gift of creating believable characters and great stories. The best of luck with the sales.


  5. Loved following the start of Marianne Coltrane’s and Ryan O’Gorman’s roller-coaster relationship in The Hollow Heart, and being introduced to all the engaging characters on the magical isle of Innishmahon. Can’t wait to read the final novel in the trilogy.


  6. Having read The Hollow Heart and Change of Heart I can’t wait to read the next in the series. I loved all the characters, but particularly Marianne and Miss MacReady.. oh and not forgetting little Monty, of course! Although I have never actually visited Ireland, I feel I know the place through Adrienne’s books as she writes such beautifully vivid pictures, so to speak, of the Irish coast. I am looking forward to turning the first page of book 3 and catching up with some old friends.


  7. That was a fun interview to read. It gave me just a touch of what your book is about, but still managed to peek my interest. I will definitely be looking up the synopsis to read and any other information on this book to see if it continues to peek my interest.


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