Serious Stats

Did you know that there are now more people in Britain aged 60 years old and above, than there are children up to the age of 16 years old. I was quite shocked by this statistic. It proves that more needs to be done for the people in this large age bracket. There isn’t enough funding and infra-structure to cope with the demand.

Anyway enough of the soap box talk. Today I proved my inadequacy in the domestic front. We have a blocked sink drain. Saturday I poured a type of drain buster down it, but after initial success it didn’t drain again. So Saturday evening I undid some of the pipe work, but couldn’t find a blockage. Then I couldn’t get the fittings back together and owned up to my husband around 9pm that we had water running out of the connections. (I wasn’t popular) Said husband went to the DIY store on Sunday for new parts, but the sink still wouldn’t drain. So today I had the brain wave to buy an awesome sink plunger. It worked really well, my first plunge and I was covered in gunk and yuck from the overflow outlet, and I proceeded to get my clothes and most of the floor covered in a variety of coloured water. I plunged forever. The pipe is not blocked, but the water will still not draw away down the pipe! A more sensible person would call a plumber, but I believe there is a seal issue. Perhaps I’ll google it later! Then we can call a plumber!!!!