DEADBEAT DAD by @jr_rain & Rod Kierkegaard #Paranormal #Bookreview

Deadbeat DadDeadbeat Dad by J.R. Rain
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Deadbeat Dad is the second book in this paranormal series and I recommend reading the first book before you start this to really appreciate the storyline. Detective Sergeant Richelle Dadd is undead, stuck between the realms of the living and the dead. Deliberately created this way by an ex-boyfriend Val Tabori, who brought her back from the dead to father a Moroi child, a half human, half zombie boy.

However Richelle recently gave birth to a girl which she named Tamara. In this book, Richelle is given a dead end job in filing, researching cold cases. Here she is approached by a ghost, Sophie Grey, who was murdered on Cemetery Hill in 1931. Research shows that Sophie was one of the triple Black Rose murder case.

At home Richelle’s life is complex, she has Dicky Dadd her gypsy father staying with her, her ex-police partner Mal moves in and she has a house full of visiting ghosts from Shadytown. Plus her mother tries to link Richelle up with a long lost Russian cousin.

This is a fast paced book with several minor storylines all adding to the tensions, which come to a head when more than one person wants baby Tamara. The ending has the potential to lead to more books in this series.

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