Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT Judith reviews Last Child by @TerryTyler4

Today’s review comes from team member Judith, she blogs at


Judith chose to read and review Last Child by Terry Tyler

Last Child by Terry Tyler

Last Child by Terry Tyler

I love being part of Rosie Amber’s Book Review Team #RBRT. I wish I had more time to read the books. I wish I wasn’t such a slow reader. I wish I’d discovered Terry Tyler’s books sooner. I wonder why she hasn’t got an agent (she doesn’t need one, probably doesn’t want one – still, I wonder why hasn’t she been snapped up?) I want to shout out, to ask why my local library hasn’t shelves displaying her brilliant covers. Am I being too effusive? Yes, but that doesn’t stop me; I am a huge fan of her work.

Last Child is both a brilliant stand-alone novel, and a sequel. I would advise anyone to read the first of (what I hope) is a trilogy. No pressure on the author there then! I would suggest reading Kings and Queens initially because, if you don’t you will not only miss out on a brilliant read but you won’t discover the wonderful beginnings of this cast of characters.

Told you I can go over the top when I’m enthusiastic.

Now I’ve got that off my chest – the serious stuff:

The plot follows the lives of the Lanchester family in much the same way that history records the (almost) parallel lives of Henry VIII and his wives and family (no chopping off of heads here though – but still plenty of intrigue). This contemporary take is hugely enjoyable and a balanced page- turner from the beginning.

The characters continue to evolve in a style that is unique to this author. They are rounded, they change, they grow, they are revealed – sometimes slowly, sometimes more subtly. But in the end I felt I knew each and every one of them as they share their own viewpoints to the narrative. And both the internal voices and the dialogue (so well written, I think), is individualistic to each of them.

I’ll mention just a few of the characters: Will: An understated character but one threaded throughout both novels, giving his own insight to the others and the lives they lead. Erin: (a contemporary Elizabeth I), energetic, determined to do the right thing, a little flawed but loyal. Isabella: (portrayed as a modern day Mary), vulnerable, yet embittered to such a degree her decisions are underlined with an unstable revenge. Jaz, Harry’s son, complex as any teenager, with an ability to evolve into an equally complex adult but…  Hannah, the nanny and short- time lover of Harry Lanchester, the founder of this dynasty; shown as the sustaining carer of this younger generation, competent, motherly, non- judgemental. Then there’s Jim Dudley, ruthless yet ultimately helpless; Raine Grey with her own devastating story; the dependable Robert Dudley, and his shallow wife, Amy.

I could go on and on – but I won’t. I think it only fair for readers to discover the characters and the story for themselves. Suffice it to say, all of them run the gamut of trials and tribulations that is life – with so much more than most of us, thankfully, avoid.

The settings, the fashion, the attitudes, the domestic lives and the world of business provide a solid backdrop to this book and truly reflect the epochs the novel is set in.

All in all a brilliant family saga, brilliantly written. I can’t recommend Terry Tyler’s work highly enough. Looking forward to the next book.

Find a copy here:


15 thoughts on “Rosie’s Book Review Team #RBRT Judith reviews Last Child by @TerryTyler4

  1. What a wonderful review, thanks so much Judith; a lovely thing to read on waking up this morning! It has to be in my all time favourites. xxx THANK YOU!

    (No trilogy, I’m afraid, but another family drama spanning 20 years on its way….!)


      • Something else I meant to say, Judith, is that I don’t feel very confident about the trilogy thing, as sales of a third book would be reliant on people having bought, read and liked the other two. Everyone has such huge TBR lists these days that even if they want to read Last Child after Kings and Queens they might not have done so yet, and so they’d be unlikely to buy another one! I’d rather do a standalone book that anyone can read.


    • Alison, when I like something I like it! If my head buzzes, my mouth (or in this case, finger on keys) takes over. I keep shtum when I don’t like something – which, of course, is usually a good thing!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • I think there should be a special shelf for Indie authors in all libraries. I organise a book fair in Tenby in September each year. If Terry didn’t live so far away, I’d ask her to come and put out the red carpet!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I totally agree with every word Judith, a brilliant review for a book that, like Kings and Queens, I wish were in paperback form as I would love to have them on my indie shelf!!


    • Thanks so much, ladies. I do think about doing paperbacks but everyone says it’s really hard to sell them…. I prefer reading on a Kindle anyway, and I think as time goes on more and more people will do so. I did submit Kings and Queens to an agent who read it all but she wanted me to change so much of it (you know how they do; they want you to change it into exactly the book THEY want to read) that it put me off submitting to any more. I might try again with the next one. Trouble is, though, that you can spend so much time perfecting the synopsis and hawking it round the agents, and then in the end it gets rejected anyway (I know I could go with a small/indie publisher but I’m not interested in that as I can’t see the benefits apart from paperbacks), and so you end up self-publishing it six months later than you would have done. I dunno. We’ll see!


      • Totally understand why you wouldn’t want to change it T, it’s perfect just as it is – but it’s great that you got serious interest in the first place.


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