Wednesday Wing….Writer’s Craft series by @RayneHall #wwwblogs #WritersTips

Welcome to my new feature called Wednesday Wing where I’ll be passing on

observations, tips and information to readers I’ve made a note of.

Rosie's Notebook

Today I’m passing on a tip about Rayne Hall’s writer’s craft series of books.

During my time of reviewing I have suggested to many authors that I believe their writing would benefit from the advice Rayne gives in her low priced easy to read writers craft series.

I have read The Word Loss Diet which is a full of useful tips on ways to slim-line your writing, cut down your descriptions and remove watery weak words. It’s a fabulous way to polish your manuscript before publishing or if you’ve had reviews which suggest the writing needed tightening. No one wants to be labelled as a novice writer.


Published your book, but it’s not selling? Why Does My Book not Sell? Written for the Indie writer, but with tips for anyone who does any of the marketing of their books. Rayne has a list of 20 reasons your book may not be getting the sales you’d like and offers quick fixes.


Are you burnt out using Twitter to sell your book? Twitter for Writers offers tips and advice on the best ways to get the most from Twitter as an author, going from the basics of setting up an account with a twitter name that is easy for readers to find to hosting a Twitter party.


Rayne has also written books which help you write particular scenes.

Writing Fighting Scenes

Writing About Villains

Writing Scary Scenes

Writing Dark Scenes

Writing Short Stories

Writing About Magic

Find Rayne’s books on or

A bit about Rayne.

RayneHall - Fantasy Horror Author - reduced size Portrait by Fawnheart

Rayne Hall writes fantasy and horror fiction, some of it quirky, most of it dark. She is the author of over sixty books in different genres and under different pen names, published by twelve publishers in six countries, translated into several languages. Her short stories have been published in magazines, e-zines and anthologies.

After living in Germany, China, Mongolia and Nepal, she has settled in a small Victorian seaside town in southern England. Rayne holds a college degree in publishing management and a masters degree in creative writing. Over three decades, she has worked in the publishing industry as a trainee, investigative journalist, feature writer, magazine editor, production editor, page designer, concept editor for non-fiction book series, anthology editor, editorial consultant and more. Outside publishing, she worked as a museum guide, apple picker, tarot reader, adult education teacher, trade fair hostess, translator and belly dancer.

Currently, Rayne Hall writes fantasy and horror fiction and tries to regain the rights to her out-of-print books so she can republish them as e-books.

Her books on the writing craft (Writing Fight Scenes, Writing Scary Scenes, The Word-Loss Diet, Writing Dark Stories, Writing About Villains, Writing Short Stories to Promote Your Novel, Writing About Magic, Twitter for Writers) are bestsellers.

Find Rayne on Twitter @RayneHall where she’s doing something right with 68k followers.

31 thoughts on “Wednesday Wing….Writer’s Craft series by @RayneHall #wwwblogs #WritersTips

  1. Thanks for featuring my books. 🙂

    I’m working on the next ones in the series already. What do you think I should write next? “Writing Deep PoV” “Writing Vivid Dialogue” “SWOT for Writing Success” or “How To Train Your Cat to Promote Your Books”? 🙂


  2. Oh YES – not using dialogue for info dumping! That’s one of my biggest grrrrrs when reading debut indie novels. I’d recommend Twitter for Writers to anyone who’s just started to use Twitter to promote their book, it’s excellent.


      • Yes please! I’ve recently read a book where the author used pages of dialogue from one person telling us all about a place thinking it was ideal to reel off info like a tourist guide to the area. They did this more than once and I just skipped the whole lot.


      • I took advantage of the free sneak preview on Amazon, and liked what I saw, so I’ve purchased the Why Does My Book Not Sell: 20 simple fixes. 🙂
        (I don’t have a book… yet… but you know what they say? Forewarned is forearmed…)
        Now I’m interested in the Twitter For Writers.


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