Wednesday Wing……WordPress Tip

Welcome to my new feature called Wednesday Wing where I’ll be passing on observations, tips and information to readers I’ve made a note of.

Rosie's Notebook

Today I’m passing on a tip for bloggers who use WordPress and want their readers to share their posts on Twitter

During my trips around the globe following the #AtoZChallenge I found countless blogs who DID NOT have their Twitter account linked successfully to their blog. Without it you will miss many readers who share your post and you miss the opportunity to re-tweet their tweet.

Here are two examples;

A to Z Challenge Week 3 Sunday Round-up #AtoZChallenge via @rosieamber1

Mr Blogs posts shared to the ether via

In the first example I can pick up every tweet @rosieamber1 from the notifications list on twitter and re-tweet.

How to check if your WordPress blog is linked to your Twitter account.

1) In Dashboard mode go to Settings

2) Then go to Sharing

3) Scroll down this page until you see the box called Twitter User Name. Add your Twitter name without the @

4) Click save changes

I only know about WordPress, but if anyone has a tip from another blogging platform, please do share it with us.

28 thoughts on “Wednesday Wing……WordPress Tip

  1. Thanks Rosie, this advice is very timely as I’m always having trouble with WORDPRESS – especially trying to leave a comment via the iPhone/iPad. It keeps asking for my sign in details everytime. Grrrr. Will try the fix you’ve suggested on this page. Good work.


    • That’s right, has a different set up, you don’t have the share buttons below a post on yours, I tweet from a link on your post e-mail I get.


  2. I have my WP blog linked to Google+ as well, so my posts go straight there. I didn’t use to pay any attention to G+ until I read some articles about how much it adds to your search presence but after I’d heard that, I started my author email in Gmail and opened a Google+ account. I rarely ever go there but my presence on searches has gone from almost zero to quite a few pages, thanks to that. Well worth a little effort! 😀


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