Letter T April A to Z Challenge #AtoZChallenge

Day 20 April A to Z Challenge my theme is characters from books I’ve read plus some audience participation.

Letter T is for Tiola Oldstagh from Sea Witch by Helen Hollick


Sea Witch is a swashbuckler historical fiction tale set in the 1700’s around Captain Jesamiah Acorne. He’s a notorious pirate who sails the seas around the Caribbean, Southern US states and across to Cape Town in South Africa.

This is a time of Dutch East Indian trade-boats, Spanish galleons laden with Mexican treasure, English traders and privateers. Ships took months to cross the oceans, explorers where sailing around the world and opportunities to become rich were often at the mercy of the sea.

Beneath the seas lives Tethys a spiritual being from the beginning of the world, she sees all, knows all about the oceans, she can whip up a storm and take down a ship at will claiming the lives of all those aboard. Disturbed from above by the annoying sounds of cannon fire Tethys investigates and becomes aware of a man with a golden acorn hanging from his ear, she understands the connection to an ancient tree and likes what she sees. There is also another being with a gift who nudges at the outer periphery of her existence.

Tiola Oldstagh is travelling from England to Cape Town with her guardian, when they are attacked by pirates. Unsuccessful this time Tiola gets her first glimpse of a man who destiny will bring to her again. At just fifteen Tiola is wise beyond her years with her skills in the use of “craft” she’ll go to great lengths to be with the one her soul desires.

It’s been years since I read any pirate adventures and this one did not disappoint, it brought all the atmosphere of the great wooden ships, creaking into the rolling oceans, sails flapping in the winds. Dangers of the open seas and the realistic harbour-side towns which sprang up to meet the needs of the ocean going sailors. I look forward to reading the next adventure for Captain Jesamiah Acorne.

Find a copy here from Amazon.co.uk or Amazon.com

For my audience participation I’m asking readers to create book titles using the letter T for the picture below.

A book title and cover picture can often make or break a book sale. Is a book cover eye-catching? Does the book title appeal to the reader?

Have fun creating book titles from my own pictures, you might even think about a genre they could fit.


Leave your answers in the comments below and I’ll choose my favourites.

Here are some randomly chosen challengers for you to visit today






During the challenge we are asking people to leave comments on blogs, thank you.

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66 thoughts on “Letter T April A to Z Challenge #AtoZChallenge

  1. Sounds like a great read – I love historical fiction but haven’t read much about pirates (although of course I’m in love with Jack Sparrow!) so will have to check this out.


    • Alison, author Sharon Penman said about my Jesamiah: “In a sexiest pirate contest Jesamiah Acorne gives Johnny Depp’s Jack Sparrow a run for his money” – she was thrilled that she managed to get Johnny Depp, Jack Sparrow and Jesamiah Acorne all into one sentence! LOL
      If you liked the Pirates of the Caribbean movies you probably will enjoy the Sea Witch Voyages


  2. Tiki In The Park ~ a collection of photographs of Tiki sculptures in parks, oddly enough.

    What, a NORMAL title from me, not a silly one??? I think the ‘silly’ part of my brain has shut down this morning!

    Oh, okay, then. How about Totally Totemly Tiki? A much short book, featuring pictures of Tiki totem poles only!!!
    Or…. Learn al fresco pole dancing, the Native American way…. 🙂 😀


  3. I haven’t read any pirate fiction since I was a child, so this is really appealing. I love boats and sailing and if I could afford one of my own, I’d call it Sea Witch, definitely!

    Book title Tribes Apart …a tribal take on Romeo and Juliet I think.


  4. This sounds like a fun book. There were actually female pirates as I’m sure many of you know. I was trying to remember the name of that film made in the 4O’s with (I think) Maureen O’Hara as the female privateer. Great fun – and one for the girls. My book title would be Totem(ly) In Love With You. Sorry, very cheesey.


  5. *Grump* that’s seeral of my title ideas already used…. How about Tall Tales or Treemendous Tales LOL
    Thank you SO much Rosie for featuring Tiola and Sea Witch – you’ve made my day!


  6. Here are the top book title suggestions from yesterday’s letter S game. Squashed, Salvaged in a sandbank, shifting shallows, suffocating sands, shifting sands, Stranded: Love Run Aground, Scrapped & Spurned. Thanks to everyone who took part.


  7. Sea Witch sounds intriguing! I’m going to check it out.
    I have a terrible time with titles…Totem Triffids, The Next Generation. 😉
    Thanks for the shout out for Untethered Realms!
    River Fairchild – A to Z April Challenge
    Untethered Realms


  8. Love the cover of that book! I’m a huge fan of Horatio Hornblower and his ilk, not so sure about pirates as heroes.

    Let’s see…my book to go with that cover…since I like cozy mysteries, how about “Toes Up Under the Totem Pole”?

    Thanks for the shout-out to my blog!
    Rebecca at The Ninja Librarian


  9. Love this name -Tiola Oldstagh! And the sound of this book – I’m very keen on a pirate! I wish I could come up with a book title today but work is horrid and all creativity shot to pieces 😦


  10. Love your book review. Pirate ships are fascinating. This reminds me of the pirates that once frequented Savannah, Georgia.

    Thank you for having my blog as one of those listed for today!


  11. Love the anagram origin of Tiola Oldstagh. Title for today: Totem for Talitha – a mystery/coming of age story.


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